Rural Of or characteristic of the country, country life, or country people; living in the country. (Usually agricultural)
Urban Of or characteristic of the city, city life, or city people; living in the city.
Industrial Having to do with the replacement of hand tools by machine and power tools, and the development of large- scale production in factories in cities.
Immigrant A person who moves into a new country or region.
Migration To move from one place to another. To change locations.
Manifest Destiny The belief that white, English speaking Americans were destined by God to expand the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific. (No matter who was in between)(Anglo-Saxonism)
Subsidies Government assistance payments.
Robber Barons Businessmen who use ruthless and corrupt means in order to maximize profits for themselves.
Captains of Industry Industrial leaders who used innovative business practices to become successful and progress American industry forward.