1 INDONESIAN ECONOMIC CENSUS 2006 ( SE-06 ) HIGHLIGHT ON Presented by Directorate of Trade & Services Statistics on Wednesday, July 27 th 2005 BPS – Statistics Indonesia
2 Background Economic census is a national project which is regularly carried out in ten years period. The comprehensive and sustainable data is required to formulate and evaluate economic development. BPS is responsible to implement the economic census as mentioned in The Statistics Act Number 16 of 1997.
3 Purposes To provide and disseminate database of economic activities in Indonesia. Such database consist of number and characteristic of establishments and all scale enterprise activities in various non-farm economic sectors. General
4 To provide population of businesses elaborated by sector, activity, business scale and region. To provide basic information on various business issues in Indonesia elaborated by sector, activity, business scale and region. To disseminate basic statistics related to the non-farm economic activities up to small area statistics. Purposes Specific
5 Coverage The 2006 Economic Census covers all non-farm businesses (establishments) both operating in a fixed location and in an unfixed location, within the geographic location of the Republic of Indonesia. Moreover, all non-farm economic activities both having legal status and not having legal status are covered in the 2006 Economic Census.
6 Sector Covered Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Industry Electricity, Gas and Water Supply Construction Trade, Restaurants and Accommodation Services Transport, Storage and Communication Financial Institution Real Estate, Rental, Business Services, Society and Social Services, and Personal Services
8 Province District Sub District Village Consentration Non Consentration CB Consentration CB Non Consentration CB Non Consentration Snow balling Door to door Snow balling Note: Consentration village: Number of non resident building + mixed building (NRMB) 150 Non Consentration Village: NRMB < 150 Consentration CB: Number of non resident building + mixed building (NRMB) (25-45) Non Consentration CB: Number of non resident building + mixed building (NRMB) < (25-45) Door to door in EC 06 will be based on establishment Snow balling EC 06 will use the preliminary information
9 Physical Building Census Building CB 10 m 2 CB < 10 m 2 Not for Business activity For Business Activity
12 The Instruments of Economic Census: The map of census block, village The questionnaire (SE06-L1 and SE06-L2, SE06-LIU, SE06-RBS). -SE06-L1: business located outside of the building and street vendor -SE06-L2: business in the fixed building -SE06-LIU: the list of establishment from the first information (snow balling) -SE06-RBS: the summary of the number of industries for each census block/village. -The manual book
13 The Listing Methodology Door to door: - census block concentration - the enumerators visit all buildings to catch the establishments that located in the building and around the building; - the small traditional business outside of the building (street vendor) will be collected in their location (for the fixed location) - the mobile traditional vendor (pedagang keliling), that going around from place to place, will be collected in their home.
14 Snow balling: - The enumerators don’t have to visit all buildings. Based on information from the head of village or other businessmen, the enumerators visit the business men/women and continue until finish. - The enumerators and the supervisors have to pay attention about the completeness of the establishments listed. The weakness of this method is the difficulty to catch the hidden economy activity (like home rent, multi level trading, hidden home industries)
15 The Criteria of Large, Medium and Small Business Based on the information from the departments / institutions / associations (Central Bank, The Department of Trade, Industry, Transportation, and other Department, BUMN etc) that manage and make economic development decision. The variables: asset, output, employment Large: asset (without land and building) > 10 billion rps; omzet/output>=3 billion rps; workers: >100 persons Medium: asset (without land and building): 200 million – 10 billion rps; omzet per year 1-3 billion rps; workers:20-99 persons; Small: asset (without land and building) < 200 million rps; omzet per year < 1 billion rps, formal or informal; independent; the domestic owner; the workers (5-19 persons) * Based on World bank criteria: Micro small & medium: workers < 20 persons (small); persons (medium); asset< US$500 thousand (without land and building)
16 The Cost Arrangement - Door to door: The cost based on the number of establishments for the field enumerators and the supervisors. 1 enumerator – 2 or 3 census blocks and 1 supervisor manage enumerators. - Snow balling: The cost based on the number of establishments + fixed cost for transportation (in the village). 1 village - 2 enumerators and 1 supervisor for 2 enumerators. The supervisors have to monitor the data consistency, sector classification, repeat contact and make solution for the non response case. * The Coordinator of Sub-District Statistics : To manage the technical assistance and non technical activity (include administrative activity)
17 Provincial Statistics District Statistics The Coordinator of Sub District Statistics Village: - Statistics staff - Temporary staff UrbanRural CB Concentration CB Non Concentration CB Non Concentration The Organization Central – Statistics Indonesia
18 The Flow of Document and Activity of the Indonesia Economic Census 2006 BPS – Statistics Indonesia BPS ProvinceBPS District Sub District Census Coordinator (KSK) SupervisorEnumerator Interdepartemen tal Meeting and Field Officer Training Coordinate all KSKs Coordinate supervisor Supervise enumerator Enumerate all businesses in census block / sub census block Questionnaires and its manual SoftcopiesSoftcopy Questionnaires and softcopy of basic tables Questionnaires and LKOC Questionnaires Final data processing and analysis Send softcopy Process documents Send documents back to BPS District Send documents back to KSK Notes: (a) Selected provinces for the Economic Census 2006 Pre-Listing namely Sumatera Barat, DKI Jakarta, Kalimantan Selatan and Sulawesi Selatan. (c) If all activities are running as schedule, quick count of underlying data listing can be presented as soon as a month after the end of field operation.
19 THE ECONOMIC CENSUS 2006 FLOWCHART THE UNDERLYING DATA LISTING QUICK COUNT SCHEME (Copyright: BPS – STATISTICS INDONESIA) List all businesses completely using SE06-L in each census block / sub census block. Compute underlying data (the number of business, labor and omzet) by census block which refer to bundle of SE06-L, then copy the result to LKOC. Have all census blocks been processed and data validity been verified ? Have all villages been processed and data validity been verified ? Select, join and batch LKOC by sub district, then arrange according to village order consecutively. Have all sub districts been processed and data validity been verified ? Select, join and batch LKOC by village, then arrange according to census block order consecutively C Enumerator’s Duty Supervisor’s Duty KSK ’ s (and PKSK ’ s) Duty No Yes No Yes No Yes
20 THE ECONOMIC CENSUS 2006 FLOWCHART (Continued) Verify the underlying data listing which compiled from each sub district: accuracy, validity, and reliability among sub districts. Create softcopy of underlying data listing then send it to the BPS Province. Have all data been verified its accuracy, validity and reliability among districts ? Send softcopy of underlying data listing to BPS Head Office, which has been verified by BPS Province. Verify the underlying data listing which compiled from each district: accuracy, validity, and reliability among districts. C Staff ’ s/ Section Head ’ s/Divisi on Head ’ s Duty at Province Level No Yes No Yes Have all data been verified its accuracy, validity and reliability among sub districts ? Verify the underlying data listing which compiled from each province: accuracy, validity, and reliability among provinces. Henceforward, after ultimate verification process has been done, the underlying data listing is ready to launch to public through official press release. Staff ’ s/Secti on Head ’ s/ Division Head ’ s Duty at District Level Subject Matter ’ s Duty in Head Office Notes: (a) LKOC = Lembar Kerja Olah Cepat in Bahasa or Quick Count Worksheet in English; (b) KSK = Koordinator Sensus Kecamatan in Bahasa or Sub District Census Coordinator in English; (c) PKSK = KSK’s Assistance
21 The Results / Reports The directory of formal business (in the fixed building) by industry and regions (province, district/kabupaten kota, sub district/ kecamatan, village/ desa). This based on not only from listing but also from administrative data on the department/institutions. The input structure, the average of output per establishment, the capital formation etc based on sample survey – to support the process of gross regional domestic product. The consumers are the government, the private sector, the universities, the experts and the society.