Do you know them? Albert Einstein Stephen hawking Madam Curie Alfred Nobel.


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Presentation transcript:

Do you know them? Albert Einstein Stephen hawking Madam Curie Alfred Nobel

Thomas Edison Li Zhengdao Charles Darwin Newton

Match the following words. 1.physics 2.chemistry 3.biology Alfred Nobel Darwin Li Zhengdao Thomas Edison Albert Einstein Newton Madam Curie

Listen and choose. P41 1.(a) Water exists as a solid, a liquid and a gas. (b) Water exists as a solid and a liquid only. 2.(a) When you heat a metal, it expands. (b) When you heat a metal, it contracts. 3.(a) Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances. (b) Steel is a mixture of iron and oxygen. 4.(a) Two-thirds of the earth’s surface is water. (b) 50% of the earth’s surface is water. 5.(a) The distance of the sun from the earth is kms. (b) The distance of the sun from the earth is kms. 6.(a) The earth is 4.6 million years old. (b) The earth is 4.6 billion years old. 7.(a) The earth is twice as large as the moon. (b) The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.

Put the words in pairs or groups. contract air earth gas liquid oxygen moon solid expand sun contract air earth gas liquid oxygen moon solid expand sun air – gas - oxygen contract - expand earth – sun - moon gas – liquid - solid opposite heavenly body

Put words in the right place. electricity iron metal steel air glass electricity iron metal steel air glass naturalman-made both electricity iron air some metals electricitysteel glass some metals electricity steel glass some metals electricity some metals

Look at the pictures. Do you know the names of the equipment ? test tube tongs balance crucible Bunsen burner

potassium (钾) Let’s get to know some metals?

sodium( 钠 ) calcium( 钙 ) magnesium( 镁 )

aluminum (铝) zinc (锌) iron (铁) copper (铜)

Do you know how we can carry out an experiment successfully?

What is the correct order to describe the stages of a scientific experiment? aim method result conclusion

Passage A electrical adj. 用电的,与电有关的 electricity n. 电 equipment n. 设备,装备 react vi. (化学)反应 reaction n. 反应 oxide n. 氧化物 steam n. 蒸汽, 水气

Fast Reading  The Different Uses of Metals  The Reaction of Metals  The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen Read Passage A and choose the best title for it.

Your chemistry teacher Mr.? will ask you the following questions. Can you answer them correctly? 1.Which metals reacts the most with oxygen and water? 2.What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen? 3.Which metals reacts with steam? 4.Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam? 5.Does copper react with water? Potassium, calcium and sodium. It burns to form an oxide. Magnesium, aluminum and zinc. It has a slow reaction. No, it doesn’t.

Passage B What’s the difference between the pictures? Pre-reading:

Read the passage and complete the table. cotton wool nails Iron does not rust. water Iron does not rust. water Iron rusts.

Complete the passage using what we’ve learnt in this lesson. 1. In the first part of the experiment, the ____ is dry. It shows that iron ___________ in dry air. 2. In the second part, you must _____ the water to ______ _______ that there is no air in it. ________ some oil to the water can ______ the air out of it. It shows that _____ don’t rust in ____________ water. 3. In the third part, _______ the tube with water. It shows that they rust in _________ water. air doesn’t rust boil make sure Addingkeep nails air-free half-fill ordinary