Digital Images and Digital Cameras take notes in your journal
Monitors Small LCD displays built into most cameras Menus are displayed on monitor Compose your image on a monitor Review images on the monitor Drains battery when monitor is on Glare can be a problem Good for close ups and odd angles
Viewfinders Great for fast action (capturing the moment) Do not drain the battery Optical viewfinders On SLR cameras see exactly what the lens sees Viewfinders on point and shoot cameras show the scene through a separate window that is slightly offset. (You may end up with an image slightly different than you expect.)
Capturing images Hold the right side of the camera with your right hand while supporting the lens or camera body with your left Decisive moment – can be hard to capture with digital cameras. First and second delay affect how quickly a series of photos can be taken.(frame rate) If it takes too long for the image to clear you miss the shot.
Buffers Buffers speed up the time an image takes to move from the image sensor to the card. Buffers are fast memory that allow you to take many photos quickly. Continuous mode is a feature on some cameras. With this mode you can hold the shutter button down and continuously take pictures.
What is a digital photograph Digital photographs are made up of millions of tiny red, green and blue forming pixels. Dots make up all types of images Newspaper (halftone) Monitor (pixels) Inkjet printer (bitmap)
The Image Sensor The“film” of the digital camera A silicon chip with a grid of millions of photosensitive diodes that capture light.
Digital Color Image sensor can only capture brightness, not color The light is recorded in a gradual scale from absolute black to absolute white. (Gray Scale) Color is created in much the same way as the first color photography.
Digital color is created by applying filters through a process called interpolation. The color you see on your monitor depends on the settings and capabilities of your computer. Some image file formats cannot see all of the colors. RAW and tiff are file formats that can see all of the colors.
Selecting an image size Relative size is determined by the device used to display it. Absolute size is determined by the number of pixels used to create it. Size is specified in one of two ways – Pixel dimensions (3072x2048) – Total number of pixels it contains (6.29 million pixels) – Pixelization occurs when an image with a lower pixel number is made too big.
Edit a photo in its largest file size and then reduce the size if needed. Cameras capable of large image sizes are more expensive. Think about what you are going to do with your images before you decide on a camera On the web – lower resolution (number of pixels) Inkjet or laser print pixels per inch Professional printing – at least 900 pixels wide.
Selecting an Image Quality What is file compression? Name some image file formats Why is raw different from other file formats? Why is jpeg referred to as “lossy” compression?