Thermal Cameras III September 22th, 2015 Carlos Vergel-Infante
Last Meeting We reduce our options to only two cameras: FLIR a655sc and TiX640. Two questions were asked: 1.Can we get the same camera in the UK and here? 2.Can we use the camera before buying it? -> I still talking with the companies, but I have some early responses. But before….
QMUL Camera: FLIR A40m Temp range: -40 to 500˚C Spectral Band: 7.5 – 13 um Pixel Resol: “240 x 320” Thermal Sensitivity: 0.08 ˚C Image Freq: - FOV: 24˚ x 18˚ IFOV: 1.3 mrad eras/FLIR/A40M-Datasheet.pdf
FLIR A655sc There is a difference between shipping it temporarily than permanent. However, for the second one seems it would take 45 – 60 days to fill out all the paper*. All of these is due to export controls. However, this camera is available in the UK. Then, QMUL can buy it there. I have the contact info for them. *see atachments
Trial Period It is possible to use the camera for FREE for a couple of days. If it is for a week or more the cost per week is 10% of the camera. ($1,900). If we buy the camera, FLIR will convert 50% of the rental money toward the purchase of the camera.
TiX640 There are two types of cameras of this kind: 9 Hz and 60 Hz. The last one is only sell in the US, but not the 9 Hz. It seems be will need to get an exporting license. They are getting me more information about it.* The TiX640 is a new camera, so they don’t offer to borrow the camera, but they can bring some one to ISU to show their camera, and answer all our questions.