Birthday I was Born June 15 Born At St.Elizabeth Hospital.
Likes/Dislike I Like to the color purple I Like Chrysler 300 I Like Outgoing people like myself I Like to go out with friends & have fun I Dislike Drama, Mess and Violence I Dislike Stinky and Unmannered (nasty) people or things.
Favorite Activities 1.Play Volleyball 2.Eat at my favorite restaurants. 3.Texting 4.Dancing 5.Talking
Funny Things 1)I fell in front of the whole school while dancing on the dance team 2)At my 4 th grade dance I ripped my shorts while dance - It was embarrassing moments but when I look back at it funny.
Long/Short Term Goals My Short term goal is to make a’s and b’s so that I make it to the 11 th grade so that I can graduate with a good grade point average My long term goal is to go to college and go to medical school’s that I can be a successful pediatrician like I want to be.
Family My family is not quite big nor small. Their the type that you would hate when you first meet them but love once you get to know them. Family to me is the most important thing in my life. They have helped me to be responsible, respectable, and polite to others and have made me to be the person I am today. The’ve also taught me to treat others like I want to be treated. I have goals in life but I’m going to always but family first no matter what
College The college that I want to attend is U.C.L.A(University of California Los Angeles) but since I’ve moved to Beaumont, Texas I’m also thinking about going to L.U(Lamar University)