G ROUP 3: F ACULTY T RAINING R ECOMMENDATIONS Our recommendations are based on our collective opinions, reactions, experiences, and observations. We have placed all applicable sources at the end of the presentation.
#1: C OMPETENCIES A list of competencies must be developed before a learning plan can be implemented. Competencies: A list of behaviors that indicate what “success looks like” in an online environment
#1: C OMPETENCIES Some competencies that should be exhibited by instructors include: Experienced in real world, current application of their subject Comfortable communicating in writing Have the appropriate credentials to teach the subject online Be committed to efforts for student engagement Effective time management skills Willingness to continue learning new teaching methods Effective in creation of community
#2: T RAINING C ONTENT The following content should be included in online facilitator training: Creating interactions that build community. Familiar with the school’s course management system(s) and the interactive, synchronous tools Online grading techniques and the mechanisms used to achieve success (i.e. rubrics) Creating an engaging online environment What technology tools exist and their use Developing instructional material for an online teaching environment.
#2: T RAINING C ONTENT Knowledge Management System: Developed to capture best practices of faculty that have or are currently creating online courses. Central area where new information can be added as technology and teaching strategies evolve Training session content available in knowledge management system, retrieved any time to meet just in time training needs.
#3: T RAINING D ELIVERY Training Programs: Various methods of training should be provided for their accessibility as it meets their demanding schedules. Can be delivered by webinars, F2F sessions, synchronous or asynchronous presentations. Technology training: Recommend a course like Technology Tools from ION. Recommend facilitators experience online training methods by being a student in an online course. Overview coursework such as the Online Overview course from ION
#3: T RAINING D ELIVERY Ongoing Development: Mentors: Assign faculty members that have been creating and facilitating online coursework As internal expertise grows deliver an in-house course in an online environment There should still be a development plan in place for faculty to obtain further credentials.
#4: T RAINING AS A P REREQUISITE Must complete approved overview course to deliver or develop online courses Approved overview course should have the following components: Overview of online instructional environment Online assessment and grading techniques Online environment communication for active learning Student communication Instructional use of technology tools Developing instructional material for online environment
#5: R EMUNERATION Training/Preparation Time: Faculty should be compensated Teaching Time: All full and part time faculty are asked to record their design and delivery time so it can be compared to the face to face data
S OURCES Recommendation 1: Competencies ctorProfile.asp ctorProfile.asp index.asp index.asp Recommendation 2: Training Content Organizational Theory, Design and Change, by Jones and Mills Pearson Publ. 1 st cdn ed. ISBN Recommendation 3: Training Delivered CourseDetail.asp?course=5 CourseDetail.asp?course=5 Recommendation 5: Remuneration Keeping track of time requirement in teaching an online course vs. f2f ( 1.htm) 1.htm
G ROUP 3: F ACULTY T RAINING R ECOMMENDATIONS The success of online course implementation rests with the ability of the faculty to be effective with new, online teaching skills
G ROUP 3: F ACULTY T RAINING R ECOMMENDATIONS Group members: Rebecca Kornegay Melissa Reedy Michelle White Jim Johnston