HOW DO THE WAYS WE TRANSFORM ENERGY TRANSFORM THE WORLD? 8 TH GRADE INTERDISCIPLINARY UNIT DIRECTIONS: Sit with your group project team at the same table. You might share the table with one additional group Discuss the following questions and be prepared to share your answers in 3 minutes: What does the term “global warming” or “climate change” mean to you?
Global Warming/ Climate Change POSTER WORD WEB With your project group, create a word web for the term global warming/ climate change.
GLOBAL WARMING’S TERRIFYING NEW MATH In 2012, Rolling Stone magazine published an article that generated more interest, more likes, more shares, more Tweets, than any article they had ever published. And here’s the thing: the article is about just three numbers, three very scary numbers.
THE MYSTERY OF THE 3 SCARY NUMBERS Goal of the Activity: Figure out what the three numbers Figure out why they’re scary. Directions for the Activity: You will each receive a clue. This clue contains information about one of the scary numbers or about climate change. If your clue contains one of the three scary numbers, it is in bold. You will have the next part of class to walk around the room and talk to people about their clues. As you gather information about the three scary numbers and about climate change, write down the information you learn on the handout provided. Popcorn read the questions on the handout. Now, read your clue. If you are sharing a clue, read it with your partner. RULE: When you share a clue with another person, you must read it out loud to them. You can discuss what you think this clue means and write down relevant information on your handout.
THE THREE SCARY NUMBERS 2°C or 3.6°F If global temperatures rise more than 2°C, the earth will experience disastrous consequences (rising sea levels, species extinction, water scarcity, droughts, superstorms/floods/hurricanes, etc.)
THE THREE SCARY NUMBERS 565 gigatons of CO 2 The amount of additional CO 2 (carbon dioxide) humans can release into the atmosphere before temperatures rise more than 2°C. With our current rates of human CO 2 emissions, this will happen in 14 years.
THE THREE SCARY NUMBERS 2,795 gigatons of CO 2 The total amount CO 2 that will be emitted into the atmosphere if current oil/gas/coal companies continue to make a profit by selling their product to consumers. This is 5 times the amount of CO 2 we can emit without raising the earth’s temperature more than 2°C. Companies will make over $20 trillion by selling all of this stored oil/gas/coal.
DISCUSSION Questions: What do you think about the 3 scary numbers? How do electric cars play a role in reducing carbon emission? What actions should be taken to prevent climate change?
SOCIAL STUDIES PROJECT COMPONENT: A ONE-PAGER On your box, you must include a one page explanation of the 3 scary numbers, how electric cars reduce carbon emission, and what else needs to be done to prevent climate change! You may use what you learned in today’s lesson along with any additional research you find. The explanation must fit on one page. It can be written or typed. It must also include at least 2 images (drawn or printed in color) that help clarify your explanation. You may use the template provided or create your own! Once you finish, stick your one-pager on your group’s box. You will receive a completion grade for this in Social Studies!