Color Schemes What are they? Why do we need to know them? What are the specific color schemes?
What is a Color Scheme? Specific combinations of colors on a color wheel. Some color schemes use 3 colors Some color schemes use 2 colors Some color schemes use 3 – 5 colors One of the color schemes only uses one color.
Why do I need to know Color Schemes? Not everyone is born with the ability to match colors that look pleasing together. Color Schemes are like instructions for matching colors It will help you add variety to that one color you really love. Help you when doing a project for a class Help you when putting together an outfit Help you with designing a room
So what are the specific Color Schemes? Monochromatic Complimentary Split-complimentary Triadic Analogous
Monochromatic One color along with neutrals What are neutrals? Beige White Black The background of this slide is an example of Monochromatic. A current term is “Ombre”
Complimentary Two colors that are exactly across from one another. Imagine an analog clock: 12 & 6 would be complimentary Looking at a color wheel: red & green, orange & blue, yellow & purple This is a nice color scheme if you don’t want a lot of variety. Pick the main color that you really like and then accent it with the color directly across from it.
Split-Complimentary This is a 3 color scheme Pick a color Use the two colors on either side of the compliment color. Violet, Yellow-Orange & Yellow-Green Violet, Red & Yellow-Orange Maybe you want more yellow: Yellow, Blue-Violet & Red-Violet
Triadic Three colors make up a Triadic Color Scheme. The colors are evenly spaced around the color wheel. There will be 3 colors between each of the 3 colors in the triadic color scheme. Examples: Red, Yellow & Blue Violet, Orange & Green
Analogous This color scheme uses 3 to 5 colors The colors must all be touching: “adjacent” 3 color combo: Red, Red-Orange & Orange 4 color combo: Red Violet, Red, Red-Orange & Orange Red-Orange, Orange, Yellow-Orange & Yellow 5 color combo Violet, Red Violet, Red, Red-Orange, & Orange Yellow-Orange, Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green & Blue Green
Assignment Each student will be given 5 coloring pages Illustrate each of the 5 color schemes using the coloring pages & crayons/colored pencils You can choose which image you want to use for each of the color schemes. Each page should have: First and Last Name in the top right hand corner. Name of color scheme at the top. Names of the colors used to create the color scheme Each of the color schemes is worth 20 points each. Neatness - 10points Title (name of color scheme) – 5 points Accuracy (correct colors are use for the color scheme) – 5 points This is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.