That I wouldn’t be leaving high school with the same friends I came in with, and that’s okay. -Jocelyn F. Stay organized. It would have helped make the school year go a lot smoother. -Brittany G. Most of the time, when you make a mistake, nobody was even paying attention. Chill. -Sophia F. Don’t procrastinate. -Shawn C. The better you do in high school the more colleges will reward you. -Genesis R. You will find people and yourself changing throughout the years. -Allison S. Eventually things would get better. –Kate M. That you have to do all of your homework. -Chaz W. How much crazy drama there would be. –Brandon Y. Stay single my friends. -Mike C. The time goes really fast so get involved in as much as possible. –Haley B. WHAT DO YOU WISH YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN COMING INTO HIGH SCHOOL?
WHY SHOULD YOU GET INVOLVED? Benefit #1 – Learning Time Management and Prioritizing Benefit #2 – Getting Involved in Diverse Interests Benefit #3 – Learning About Long Term Commitments Benefit #4 – Making a Contribution Benefit #5 – Raises Self Esteem Benefit #6 – Building Solid Relationship Skills Benefit #7 – Looks Great on College Applications
EXTRACURRICULAR CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES Key Club This is a community service club that strives to improve the lives of those in the community and around the world. Anyone can join. This club meets once a week on Wednesdays in Mrs. Gerber’s room. Past service opportunities included toy drives, bake sales, and the ELIMINATE project. Theater Try out for an acting role or take part behind the scenes in the fall or spring play. Listen for announcements about when tryouts will begin. National Honor Society The National Honor Society (NHS) recognizes outstanding high school juniors and seniors. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. If your grade point average is a 3.5 and you demonstrate excellence in the previously listed areas, you will receive an invitation to apply at the beginning of your junior year.
EXTRACURRICULAR CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES Spanish Club Even if you don’t know Spanish, you can still take part in the fun. Spanish club is a place to learn about the Spanish culture and traditions. In the Know Learn about the world and all of its quirky facts. In the Know is for people who love to knowledge. The club competes in a quiz show against other schools. Art Club Art club is a place for people to express themselves through a variety of activities and projects. In the past, the club has painted pumpkins, windows at local businesses, and murals around the school. Philosophy Club If you love to talk and debate, this club is for you. Philosophy club discusses everything from current issues to favorite foods.
SPORTS Fall Cheerleading Cross Country Golf Football Volleyball Spring Baseball Softball Track Winter Basketball Cheerleading Swimming Wrestling
OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CLASSROOM PSEO Post secondary enrollment allows students to enroll in college classes at Marion Tech. or OSU in order to earn credit while still in school. Dual Enrollment Students take Business Tech. during their junior and senior year in order to learn about marketing, accounting, and other business related fields. Students also participate in internships with local businesses to gain real world experience. Students will earn 30 college credits by participating in both years. Another dual enrollment course that is available is Statistics. More courses may be added in the future. Advanced Placement Students can take courses in Spanish, English, and math (depending on interest) that are part of the College Board Advanced Placement program. At the end of the course, students will take a national test, which can earn them college credit at certain universities. These courses are weighted.
OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CLASSROOM Future Farmers of America FFA is a co-curricular club that students join when they take an Ag. class. Students learn about various business and practical aspects of agriculture in today’s world. Career Based Intervention C.B.I. is offered for juniors and seniors. This program gives students the opportunity to learn about the working world in the classroom and through on the job site experiences. Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates Students can take JOG during any or all four years of high school. The goal of JOG is to help students stay in school through graduation, pursue postsecondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities. MGHS JOG students take part in many leadership opportunities, competitions, and service work. Tri-Rivers Students can transfer to Tri-Rivers during their sophomore or junior year in order to pursue training in a chosen field. You will find out more about Tri-Rivers during a field trip.
ELECTIVE CLASSES Choir Show Choir Marching Band Jazz Band Concert Band Art Creative Writing Drama Poetry Speech Reading Intervention Science Fiction/Fantasy Yearbook *Some of these classes are on a rotating schedule Green Science (depending on interest) Sociology Psychology