Regeneration cut Modify environment of regen Provide seed source
Even-age regeneration Length of regeneration time varies by circumstance
Process Create available growing space for regen –Removal of part of the overstory Remove remaining overstory before growth of regen is overly inhibited
Stages Prep cut(s) Final removal
Difference from Thinning Purpose is regeneration Main objective is not future growth of residual stand –Can be secondary objective
Usually for natural regeneration Can be supplemented with planting –Species –More uniform stocking
Classic 3-cut Shelterwood
Money Upfront
Irregular shelterwood
Strip shelterwood
One cut shelterwood
Framework Age structure Species composition Disturbance regime
Yield Growth of regen Growth of remaining overstory
Possibility of carrying some trees into next rotation Not part of “shelterwood” per se A variation worth considering Turns a single cohort stand into a two cohort stand
Veg Management Difficult Major problem if competition is more shade tolerant than the desired species
Logging equipment Almost anything can be used Cable on steep slopes can be difficult
Cost Can be lowest cost Two or more harvests –Increased growth of overstory –Regen can be cheap
Aesthetically desirable Continuous green cover