Project-based learning - taking action. Market day Mini-Olympics
Samples Student portfolio- SahraSahra Student directed learning project- JillJill Class meeting- 3/4M3/4M
Getting feedback from students How do we feedback to individuals? Portfolios Self-assessments 3-way conferences Individual Learning Plans Reflections- pptppt Goal setting
Dreams for a new Educational facility Leadership Academy: LaTrobe, Banksia, Broadmeadows and Roxburgh Park Small, medium and large rooms Community Library Community Gym Broadcasting TV studio Cafes and Lounges More computers Musical Auditorium Flexible class sizes Adult learning environment Mentors Learning through ‘fun’ Catering for different learning Styles
A Primary Perspective Olympic Village Gr 4/5/6 Looks Beautiful Big rooms- more room Big and small rooms School made like a village 2 rooms put together with no middle door Offices to keep things Windows to see what is going on. More playgrounds Big Gym Computers in every room Laptops Multimedia/iPods/Cinema Private talking room Gallery for Art work Little zoo or farm to study A plant room for studying plants Better equipment Books to read Canteen run by students that only sells healthy stuff. Garden growing fruit and veg. to feed school
What do we need to be able to work in this way? What do we need? Consider function, staff, and facilities. The architects will design the spaces. Complete Resources proforma.
In conclusion: What were the key messages you will share with your staff? What are the key messages about personalised learning? Complete the traffic light proforma.