Governance Discussion points
Governance Minimum structure that reflects diversity of disciplines and needs Empower all users of SAR / InSAR data Coordinating Board (Group?) –Representation of all disciplines –Include E & O –International Character? Or US-centric?
Governance Subset of Coordinating Board to deal with day-to-day issues –Planning or Steering, or Executive Committee? –Meets at regular intervals (at least telecons, or televideo) –Reports to Coordinating Group on any development –Seeks ways to interface with agencies and with data providers, and proposes mechanisms
Governance Primary point of contact and alternate –Chair, President ? –Vice-Chair, Vice-president ? –Willing to brief Agencies, Staffers –Interface with existing organizations IAG? IGARSS? ISPRS? –Identify/coordinate proposal writing Executive office –General Secretary? Executive secretary? –Staff to maintain mailing lists, web site, circulars –Set up meeting venues, distribute agendas, etc –Coordinate proposal production
Governance Ad Hoc Committees created as needs arise –To organize special sessions at international meetings –To organize further workshops (e.g. E&O, GIS, etc) –To examine special technical issues (data standards, storage, management, dissemination) –To coordinate response to important events (earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, comets…) Report to Coordinating Board through Steering committee.
Governance Permanent committees: –Proposed, with charter to Steering Committee –Approved by Coordinating Board. –Deal with long-range issues Let’s not design them today
Governance Issues Role and presence of existing organizations –WiNSAR, FRINGE, etc…. Need “umbrella” organization, at least in the beginning –SCEC? UNAVCO? Other… –Host institution (Headquarters) Need initial operating budget
Need a Name! A new international service? International Global Radar Imaging Data Service IGRIDS