ACTS 9:2 Are You “Of The Way?”. What is “the Way?”  John the Baptist prepared the way  Matt. 3:1-3, Matt. 21:32  Jesus was the way  John 14:1-6 What.


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Presentation transcript:

ACTS 9:2 Are You “Of The Way?”

What is “the Way?”  John the Baptist prepared the way  Matt. 3:1-3, Matt. 21:32  Jesus was the way  John 14:1-6 What does it mean to be “of the Way?”  Used by Luke to denote teachings of Christ and His disciples  Acts 19:9, 23, Acts 22:4, Acts 24:14,22  Simply a term for Christianity and Christians

How would Saul have known if an individual was “of the Way?”  There must have been a way to recognize these Christians.  What were these individuals doing to stand out? Are we standing out among the world?  Would we have caught Saul’s attention?  How long would it have taken? Are You “Of The Way?”

What were they doing to stand out?  Preaching/Teaching to Everyone  Common people (Acts 3:12-26, 5:25, 8:4-5)  Ruler/Elders Scribes (Acts 4:8-12, Acts 7:1-53)  Preaching/Teaching Boldly  Peter and John (Acts 4:13, 5:29-32)  Stephen (Acts 7:1-53)  Others (Acts 4:31)  Preaching/Teaching Constantly  Apostles (Acts 5:42) Are You “Of The Way?”

What were they doing to stand out?  Praying  Acts 4:23-31  Serving Others and Sharing in all things  Acts 2:44-45, 4:32-37, 6:1-7  Baptizing People into Christ  Acts 2:38-41, 8:26-40  Confronting Sin  Acts 8:20-23 Are You “Of The Way?”

Are you “of the Way” or are you getting in the way?  No middle ground  Matt. 12:30, Matt.6:24 Are You “Of The Way?” Am I displaying Christianity in my life everyday?