Chapter 11: Respect Life Lesson One: Body and Soul.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 11: Respect Life Lesson One: Body and Soul

Our Souls Our soul differs from that of an animal or an angel. Angel Soul – Is a pure spirit, it is a person and it is rational. Great knowledge given to them by God and are immortal. Human Soul – Is rational and defines who we are, allows us to learn, love and choose things. When we die our souls continue to exist, but we leave our bodies behind. Animal Soul – Is animate, it can move around and be trained. It cannot learn or love and when it dies animals do not go to heaven.

Body-Soul Unity: Man without a soul is a corpse. Man without a body is a soul. The body and the soul are both essential to the human being. They are separated at death but they will be reunited at Resurrection on the Last Day.

Treatment of our Body: Since we believe in the Resurrection of the Body. We should have good health, proper exercise, avoid drugs and alcohol that would harm our bodies.

Treatment of our Soul: Knowing that our soul is going to last forever. We should avoid sin, fill it with grace, pray and learn about God to keep it clean and pure.

Hierarchy of Creation: Spiritual: Divine Life Angelic Life Human Life Material: Human Life Animal Life Plant Life Non-Life

Review: What is the difference between Angel Soul, Human Soul and Animal Soul? Can you compare any of the souls? What is the unity between body and soul? How should we treat our bodies? How should we treat our souls?

Chapter 11: Respect Life Lesson Two: Right to Life

Introduction: We cannot create life, We can simply cooperate with God who gives life to man through the soul. Man and woman can provide matter (DNA, cells etc.) for the body, but they cannot create a soul. God’s gift of life is precious. He has directly given life to every person and he hold us in existence at every moment. God has great love for us. Because of this great dignity, we must always respect life an see every person as created in the image of God.

My Wife and I ultrasound of Baby Caleb:

Development of a baby:

Month One – You baby is known as a zygote and is about the size of your finger nail. Month Two – Your baby main organs have started to form, and they have fingers, toes and early ear development. Month Three – Baby is now called a fetus and is about the size of a grape. The baby starts to move and can open their mouth and flex fingers and toes. Also, brain and muscle development is beginning. Month Four – The baby’s organs are starting to form. At this stage your are able to tell if you are having a boy or a girl.

Development of a baby: Month Six – During this month your baby can hear, their ears start to get into place and fingernails and toe nails begin to form. Month Seven – Baby can respond to your voice, finger prints and footprints have developed. Also, your baby hair has begun to grow and is evident in 2D pictures. Month Eight – Baby eyes open and can detect light. The baby also practices breathing and bones have fully developed. Month Nine – Baby beings to get strength and also receives the antibodies that it needs to fight of diseases once they are born. This is also the month when the baby picks up the majority of its weight.

Author of Life: God is the author of all life, no man or group of men or women has the right to take away innocent human life. If this is done this is murder and murder is a moral sin.

Crime in society today: Murders are often related to theft and gang violence. Murder is a crime and a grave sin. Murder is especially sad when the life of the innocent is taken, this happens when abortion is performed.

Abortion: This is the killing of an unborn baby. Abortion is legal in society, but it is illegal in the church. You have two stands either: Pro-Life Pro-Choice

Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice: Pro- Life: 1.The baby has a heartbeat by the end of the 3 rd week. 2.No one has the right to play God. 3.There is always adoption. 4.Its murder Pro- Choice: 1.How do we know when life begins. 2.How do we know when personhood begins. 3.In America we have Freedoms. 4.A baby can’t survive on its own until the 7 th month.

Euthanasia: The taking of the life of the sick or the elderly. It is sometimes called “mercy killing”. We must give our sick and elderly people the ordinary treatment to keep them alive. Euthanasia is illegal in the United States. Pro-euthanasia argue that it is done to remove the pain out of death, what is the quality of life when someone is hurt so much. Countries that allow euthanasia: Belgium Mexico Ireland India

Review: What is abortion? What are some pro life stances? What are some pro choice stances? What is euthanasia?

Chapter 11: Respect Life Lesson Three: Killing

Killing vs. Murder: Murder is the taking of innocent life. Killing is the taking of any life. The Church understands the difference that killing and murder are different so we should receive guidance to understand their gravity. The 5 th Commandment forbids murder, the intentional killing of innocent life.

Self-Defense: Self defense is end in the killing of a person. You are being attacked and are fighting for your life it’s either you kill them or they will kill you.

Capital Punishment: Capital punishment occurs when the state determines that a criminal’s actions are so dangerous to society that his or her life is taken as a punishment and a protection to society. In the United States capital punishment is limited to extreme circumstances. Pope John Paul II said that if a criminal can be incarcerated and rehabilitated, we must do this and not capital punishment. Capital punishment is not justifiable because imprisonment can protect the state from the threat of a criminal. 31 states have a death penalty (Louisiana) and 19 states do not have a death penalty.

War: War is an awful thing, loss of life occurs and often civilians are devastated by military strike. The church feels that war is ok if its protects people and bring about good to them. Just War Criteria: The aggressor nation must inflict “lasting, grave and certain” damage against the defender. There must be no other remaining means besides war to end the damage of the aggressor. A serious chance of success must exist. The evils produced by armed conflict must not exceed the evil of the aggressor.

Review: 1.Compare and contrast killing and murder? 2.What is self-defense? 3.What is capital punishment? 4.What states practice capital punishment? 5.What states don’t practice capital punishment? 6.What is the criteria of a just war?

Chapter 11: Respect Life Lesson Four: Our Lives

Suicide: This is the taking of one’s own life. It is a grave sin, and is always seriously wrong. Sometimes people who kill themselves do not have full knowledge or consent; if this is the case, their responsibility before God is lessened. However, even if their guilt is lessened, their actions are still wrong.

We All Have Great Value: We must strive to care for ourselves as God desires. We are called to care for our bodies, as well as our souls. Eating the proper food. Praying everyday and going to church. Avoiding drugs and alcohol. We should strive to get proper exercise. We should get sufficient rest.

Chapter Review: 1.What is the difference between Angel Soul, Human Soul and Animal Soul? 2.Can you compare any of the souls? 3.What is the unity between body and soul? 4.How should we treat our bodies? 5.How should we treat our souls? 6.What is abortion? 7.What are some pro life stances? 8.What are some pro choice stances? 9.What is euthanasia? 10.Compare and contrast killing and murder? 11.What is self-defense? 12.What is capital punishment? 13.What states practice capital punishment? 14.What states don’t practice capital punishment? 15.What is the criteria of a just war?