Fear of the Darkness The primal human fear of what might be concealed by the dark.
The physical responses to fear, increased heart rate, blood to extremities, and dilated pupils allow humans to survive danger. Evolutionary Advantage to early humans to fear darkness. Compared to other predators, humans have weak night vision, hearing, and sense of smell. It is easiest to hunt a human at night. Nights are cold, in the winter when the nights are longest, food is scarce.
The word monster comes from the Latin word monstrum (mistake, aberration), and monere. Monere means to warn, or to teach. Monsters such as the formless “bogeyman” who is used to frighten disobedient children occur in thousands of cultures around the world. But Why Monsters?
“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” -- Terry Pratchett, Science Fiction Author
How does “darkness” affect the atmosphere of Beowulf and why is the dark associated with monsters and evil? Use one of the following quotes to support your answer and analyze it in at least 2-3 sentences. Pg 12 “Out in the black fen…moon would not look at it.” Pg 19 “This time, the night so thick…hungry for more than rats.” Pg 51 “In the heart of the night, in the darkest dark of the darkness….knife going through butter.” Pg 61 “Down, down, down…no way back?”