Sinus tumors Mazidi.MD
Benign tumors Angiofibroma origin:sphenopalatine foramen male 10-25 years epistaxis + nasal obstruction + OME Dx : endoscopy ( vascular mass) CT+C,MRI Biopsy Rx: Endoscopic surgery +preop embolization
Inverted papilloma Men 50-60 origin: lat nasal wall ( fontanelle area ) Etiology : HPV nasal obstruction + watery rhinorrhea Dx : endoscopy: a pale polypoid lesion & biopsy imaging: MRI (cririform-columnar appearance) CT ( hyperostosis in origin ) Rx: endoscopic surgery
osteoma The most common benign tumor Male 2-5 decades Frontal sinus is the most common affected in association with Gardner's syn. Dx : normal endocopy asymptomatic, sinusitis , orbital , CSF leak , deformity imaging : dense mass to ground glass Rx: asymptomatic …. Wait and see symptomatic……surgery
Malignant tumors Facial &tooth pain , nasal obstruction ,epistaxis Severe : diplopia , epiphora , malocclusion , trismus , *neck mass ,*hearing loss , facial numbness Ph.E :nasal or oral mass, *proptosis , *cranial nerve palsy Imaging: CT , MRI Dx: biopsy , fluid cytology Rx: surgery
RF : aflatoxin , chemical substance SCC Rx : surgery +radiotherapy +electrocoagulation radiotherapy side effect: cataract Adenocarcinoma wood & leather industry Adenoid cystic carcinoma Sarcoma Malignant melanoma ( black discharge +pigmented mass )