The Leading EDGE™ The Teaching EDGE™
The Leading EDGE™ –More than one leadership style –Match style to people and stage of team’s development E xplain D emonstrate G uide E nable
Explain, Demonstrate, Guide or Enable? Stage of Team Development: Forming High Enthusiasm and Motivation / Low Skills Forming requires E xplaining
Explain, Demonstrate, Guide or Enable? Stage of Team Development: Storming Low Enthusiasm / Low Skills Storming requires D emonstrating
Stage of Team Development: Norming Rising Enthusiasm / Growing Skills Norming requires G uiding, or coaching Explain, Demonstrate, Guide or Enable?
Stage of Team Development: Performing High Enthusiasm / High Skills Performing requires E nabling
Stages of Team Development Forming Storming Norming Performing E xplain D emonstrate G uide E nable
The Teaching EDGE™ Need for new skills Leader provides skill instruction, if necessary May serve as instructor or arrange for instruction
The Teaching EDGE™ Level of style needs to match learner’s enthusiasm and skill Use Teaching EDGE™ to define style of instruction E xplain D emonstrate G uide E nable
Stages of Skill Development Forming –Low skill / High enthusiasm Storming –Works at skill, may become discouraged
Stages of Skill Development Norming –Skill level will rise –So will enthusiasm Performing –Mastered skill –Enthusiasm high –Skill has become their own –Can teach it to others
Root Beer Song Dough – The stuff that buys my root beer Ray – The guy that pours my root beer Me – The guy that drinks my root beer Fa – a long way to the john So – Let’s have another root beer La – A lotta lotta root beer Tea – No thanks, I’m having root beer And that leaves me with no dough, dough, dough, dough (repeat)
The Teaching EDGE™ New learner is enthused and motivated to learn –Has low level of skill Forming (Low Skill / High Enthusiasm) Instructor needs to carefully E xplain What to do / How to do it
The Teaching EDGE™ Learner - Mastering a skill may not be easy –Enthusiasm and motivation low –Skills still low Storming (Low Skill / Low Enthusiasm) Instructor must D emonstrate new skill – –Show what to do and how to do it
The Teaching EDGE™ After seeing, learner’s confidence rises, so do motivation and enthusiasm Norming (Increasing Skill / Growing Enthusiasm) Instructor needs to G uide – –Giving freedom to figure things out – –Support with encouragement – –Helping to move closer to goal
The Teaching EDGE™ Learner’s skill and enthusiasm high –Can act independently –Can be productive Performing (High Skill / High Enthusiasm) Instructor needs to E nable – –Offer freedom to make decisions – –Keep moving ahead – –Skill mastered, can teach others
The Teaching EDGE™ People remember … 10% of what they HEAR - 25% of what they SEE - 65% of what they DO - - Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable
Summary – Leading EDGE™ Team responds to leadership tailored to stage team is experiencing Leading EDGE™ describes behavior of the leader as team moves through stages of development
Summary – Teaching EDGE™ Learner responds best to skill instruction tailored to stage of skill development Teaching EDGE™ describes behavior of skills instructor as learner moves through stages of development
The Leading EDGE™ The Teaching EDGE™