Ecosystem structure Curve Carrying capacity Minimum viable populatio/ Critical depensation Maximum sustainable yield Ecosystem function Risk, uncertainty, ignorance Ecosystem services Stock-flow and fund-service resources Waste absorption capacity
The trees in Vermont’s forests Lake effect climate regulation Forest’s capacity to absorb CO2 Water in Lake Champlain Genes for a pest resistant hybrid apple tree In Chapter 4, we asked you to make a list of stock-flow and fund- service resources provided by a local ecosystem. Which of these resources are elements of ecosystem structure? Which are elements of ecosystem function? Do you see any links between these classifications?
Prior to the arrival of humans in North America, where on the graph would you locate American bison populations? Ten thousand years later, approximately where on the graph do you think bison harvests occurred? After the settling of the frontier by Europeans? What impact would the conversion of the Great Plains to agriculture have on the sustainable yield curve for bison?
Climate regulation/stability Waste absorption capacity for CO2 Genes for a pest resistant hybrid apple tree Which of these resources are rival? Which are excludable? Which of the non-excludable ones could be made excludable, and which could not be?