Genre Project English 10 Mrs. Reddish
The Boy Who Saved Baseball By John H. Ritter Garrett Taylor
Title: The Boy Who Saved Baseball What is your book’s genre? Write it here: Realistic Fiction What is it? The setting takes place in Dillontown and is about a towns little league baseball team who’s trying to save the baseball field they play on. Example: The Outsiders by S.E Hinton Example: A Boy At War by Harry Mazer Example: A Corner of The Universe by Ann M. Martin Attribute: Realistic characters in the book that you could know in real life. Attribute: The setting seems real as if you could go and visit them. Like it’s a town in the middle of nowhere. Attribute: This novel is Realistic fiction because the conflict is possible in a industrializing town.
Realistic characters in the book that you could know in real life. “Yep, And Tom and I have a plan to get it. Tell’em Tom.(56) “We’ll simply drill on [the] fundamentals.( ) “Warm up. I want you to throw some batting practice.(101) Beginning Middle End
The setting seems real as if you could go and visit them. Like it’s a town in the middle of nowhere. “But they agree on this. From the old- times in their overalls over on Main Street, to the seventy-seven keyboard clicking kids down at Scrub Oak Community School, they’ll each and all tell you.”(1) “He turned and gave the small mountain beyond right field a glance and a nod.” “And I learned to do that right up there.” He began to walk. “Let’s go.”(93) “They’re like these beautiful silver highways circling a giant pearl.” “They’re just a bunch of dust and rocks and boulders,” said Frankie.(121) Beginning Middle End
This novel is Realistic fiction because the conflict is possible in a industrializing town. “Yesterday the mayor stopped by for about the hundredth time. Him and that new banker fellow from Texas who’s been buying up all the land.”(4) “I want each of you to grab a rake or a shovel or a wheelbarrow, and let’s get this field into playable condition.”(34) “And when they saw the Indians leave, they swarmed in. They figured the Indians were moving away for good. And by the time the Kumeyaay migrated back the next season, their land was occupied.”(66) Beginning Middle End
EVALUATION: Is The Boy Who Saved Baseball a good example of Realistic Fiction? The Boy Who Saved Baseball is a good example of realistic fiction because of the setting, the characters and how they could be standing in front of you and the events how a realistic conflict could happen in any town or city. With some kind of importance not known to those who don’t support it like a playground or in this case an old baseball field.