OCR Nationals Level 3 Unit 3
To identify your project objectives To state the criteria that will be used to identify if the objectives have been met To list and describe your SMART objectives March 2012 M Morison 2
Pass Candidates will list some criteria to be used to test their hypothesis. Merit Candidates will clearly describe criteria that will be used to test their hypothesis. Distinction Candidates will clearly describe and justify the criteria that will be used to test their hypothesis. March 2012 M Morison 3
Your project objective will be evaluated at the end of the project. It will be used in the presentation of your results. March 2012 M Morison 4
First decide what you are trying to do by carrying out this project. Are you trying to identify the cause or root of a new problem? Are you trying to find a solution to a problem? Are you trying to raise awareness of a little-known social issue? What do you hope to prove? Why? March 2012 M Morison 5 Relate this to your hypothesis!
What is your objective and what will be your success criteria? Clearly describe and justify the criteria that you will use to test the hypothesis. What effects would you expect to observe if all your hypotheses are correct? What might be the reasons for the effects you expect to see? March 2012 M Morison 6
What, where and how the problem will be addressed. Who will your survey sample be? Where will you find them? Will they be handpicked or chosen at random? Why? What genders? What abilities? How will you eliminate bias? What might happen if you didn’t? How will you gather the data? Will it be a questionnaire, an interview etc? Why? How will you try and ensure the accuracy of your survey? March 2012 M Morison 7
How much, how many etc How many students? How many year groups? How many dental clinics etc? The percentage of the relevant group/population this represents. Is it a representative sample? March 2012 M Morison 8
What are you going to do? Deliver some ideas on…. Establish that…. Supply alternative solutions to…. Present new findings on…. March 2012 M Morison 9
Why is this realistic? Eg Using 20 students from each year group is realistic in terms of time to collect and process the data. 100 students in total will provide a manageable number of data sets to be processed. March 2012 M Morison 10
You need to set a specific period of time/deadline. Eg “By May half term I expect to have collected all the data needed for this investigation. After May half term I can begin processing the data collected.” March 2012 M Morison 11
How will you know if your project has been a success? Eg “This project will be deemed successful if there is sufficient evidence to support a particular favoured method of homework delivery. Through this research staff at the school will be able to invest time and effort creating a method of delivering homework that best suits the students.” March 2012 M Morison 12