Train To Gain Understanding and Delivery
Resources available to aid Colleagues Resources can be located on the Intranet Train to Gain User Guide Key Learner Process manual (KLP) Best Practice Guides Support packs with the standards
Resources available for Learners Resources are available on Ask Elle Welcome to Customer Service Welcome to Retail Mapping Guides for all units and related learning materials. All Learning Materials
Purpose of Train to Gain Designed to raise the level of skills for individuals. To benefit individuals, employers and the wider community. Encourage the achievement of Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications in Retail Warehousing Customer Service Team Leading Food and Drink Front Office Housekeeping Business Administration.
Potential new learner identified Checking eligibility Identifying higher/lower rate Following the Train to Gain User Guide
Learners must be aged 19 or over (apprenticeships are the preferred option for age group) Have a written contract of employment Meet residency criteria Meet immigration criteria Must not be on any other government funded training Not hold a level 2 or equivalent qualification Who is eligible?
Flexibilities The Government chooses to prioritise its investment in those employees and volunteers without the equivalent of 5 GCSE’s (Grades A- C) already, except where flexibilities exist regarding additional qualifications/units. Therefore learners must tell us of all their existing qualifications. Learners need to indicate qualifications that have been completed in the past and where they have no qualifications they need to state none.
Additional Flexibilities –2008/09 Learners can undertake second level 2 and 3 qualifications An additional level 2 or 3 may be a second, third or subsequent qualification. The learner and employer must show why the subsequent qualification at the same level is up-skilling the learner and beneficial to the learner and employer. Only certain qualifications are available under the Additional Flexibilities route SME – Small Medium Employers need to complete a self declaration form – see Employers section of this presentation.
Additional Flexibilities –2008/09 The qualifications that can be delivered at level 2 are:- Customer Service NVQ 2 Retail NVQ 2 Business Admin NVQ 2 Team Leading NVQ 2 Mail Services NVQ 2 Warehousing NVQ 2 Hospitality NVQ 2 ITQ NVQ 2 Health and Social Care NVQ 2 For level 3 we can only undertake second qualifications in Management Customer Service
Funding There are two rates of funding: High and Low for Level 2 programmes High for Level 3 programmes only 75% is paid via On Programme Payments (OPPs) 25% is paid on achievement of the qualification Basic Skills are paid at a single rate.
Agreed Break In Learning Learners are funded through monthly on program payments (OPP). Learners are therefore eligible for an Agreed Break in Learning. The LSC expects limited numbers of TTG learners to access an Agreed Break in Learning due to the expected time on program. If your learner requires an Break in Learning contact your Manager and Compliance Manager for authorisation.
Higher and Lower rate funding Higher rate, ILR A18 code 22. Learners will be on higher rate where it is identified on completion of the skills scan 15 hours of learning is required against the knowledge and understanding of the NVQ Protocol directed learning will be planned in full on the skills scan detailing the resources that will be used Lower Rate ILR A18 Code 23 Learners will be on lower rate where it is identified on completion of the skills scan that less than 15 hours of learning is required against the knowledge and understanding of the NVQ
Literacy & Numeracy Train to Gain gives learners the option to undertake Literacy and/or Numeracy as: As additional qualifications to the NVQ OR as A Stand Alone Skills 4 Life qualification at Level 1 or 2 All qualifications are funded at one rate, no higher or lower funding
What happens if we allocate the wrong funding band? We will draw down the incorrect funding The Higher and Lower funding bands have different requirements regarding the number of Protocol Directed Guided Learning Hours that must be planned prior to the learner starting the program and completed prior to the learner achieving. If the PLP is not completed prior to the learner starting Protocol cannot prove how we ascertained that the learner needs higher rate funding – The LSC will reclaim all money paid at higher rate to Protocol. If the planned hours have not been delivered prior to the learner achieving their qualification, the LSC will determine that the learner should have been on lower rate funding and will only pay Protocol at the lower rate
What happens if we allocate the wrong funding band? It is the responsibility of every colleague who completes the Planning of Qualification with the learner to ascertain the correct funding level for the learner on an individual basis, depending on the number of GLH required to support the learner in achieving the knowledge and understanding to complete the NVQ. The Training Assessor must complete the PLP prior to the learner starting detailing the units where knowledge is required and the number of hours and materials to be used. The Training Assessor must ensure that all higher rate learners achieve a minimum of 15 Protocol directed guided learning hours during the course of their program If you do not prove the higher rate funding Protocol have to repay half the funding to the LSC.
Recording GLH
The guided learning hours must be documented and signed for on BP710 – GLH audit evidence sheet The form must be stored in the learners base file once the learner has completed or the learner leaves the program. Whilst the learner is on the program the form remains with the learner and Training Assessor. This document is critical to evidence our decision to claim the higher rate of funding
Checking Employer Eligibility for TTG
Employers Eligibility Employers must have under 5000 employees. Must grant learners paid time to train during working hours. Postcodes of companies will determine funding under regional allocation.
TTG Flexibilities - Small Medium Employers (SME’s) Eligible Private Sector Enterprises Private /Public Schools Private Prisons Third sector voluntary and charity organisation- employees Self employed – with or without employees Franchises Sole Traders Ineligible Public Sector Enterprises State Schools State owned prisons Third sector voluntary and charity organisations – volunteers Branches and subsidiaries owned by large enterprises
Small Medium Employers Declaration Form – BP718 The declaration form must be completed for learners starting on a TTG qualification. The form will be held in the HUB in the learners base file. The ILR section 5 must be completed, and the size of the employer (E15) needs to match the information regarding number of employees on this form.
Learner and Employer Eligible for TTG funding What documentation to complete?
Recruitment of Train to Gain Learners
Eligibility Employers meet the eligibility criteria SME meet the eligibility criteria and have complete the SME declaration – BP718 Learners meet the eligibility criteria Learners have completed and signed the eligibility declaration form - BP721 – Self Declaration of Eligibility
Initial Assessment Complete Initial Assessment with the learner APPLE form completed in full Discussion with the learner on their job role and the qualification that is right for them Give Information, Advice and Guidance to the learner (IAG) record on visit template / VPR Literacy and Numeracy assessments completed Skill Scan completed in full for all programs and funding levels
Starting the programme - documentation Fully completed ILR – indicating higher or lower rate, (can only be determined after Planning of Qualification has been completed) Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) – information given to learner must be clearly document on the visit record or VPR Completed APPLE and Planning Tab in full Completed Skill Scan in full (higher / lower funding or S4L), detailing GLH required and materials to be used Completed eligibility documentation – BP721 Completed literacy and numeracy assessments URN applied for Training Needs Analysis completed, (Where required) All other sign up documentation, including Health and Safety and start audit checklist.
Length of Stay - LOS Level 2 – Higher 6 months/ Lower 5 months Retail Warehousing Customer Service Team Leading Food and Drink Service Front Office Housekeeping Multi – Skilled Hospitality Business Administration Skills for Life Qualifications should be given a maximum of 6 months to complete Level 3 LOS – 8 months – Higher Rate Only NOTE –All potential Train to Gain level 3 learners must be authorised by the Regional Director prior to enrolment.
Progression of Qualification A visit record must be fully completed for each visit. Guided Learning Hours audit evidence form BP710 must be fully completed at each visit – and signed by the learner Cross reference GLH against the Skill scan and update. 12 weekly Contractual Progress Reviews must be completed on time The review must clearly detail the progress made towards the learning and assessment aims during the period of review Where limited progress has been made detail why, and what has been agreed to ensure progress made by next review. Detail all IAG support completed with the Learner.
Leavers Complete the exit process as detailed in KLP10 Ensure the Protocol Directed Hours identified at the start of learning have been achieved and supporting evidence recorded on the PLP/Skill scan, reviews and on BP710 (GLH audit sheet) IAG should be recorded on the exit review Ensure all documentation is signed and dated by all parties (where appropriate). Leaver audit to be completed in the HUB