WebAuditor Training Kit
Introduction-WebAuditor Process Automation tool for automating all internal quality audit activities. Web based tool with functions to facilitate collaboration between multiple parties like Auditee, Auditor and Lead Auditor for completion of an Internal Quality Audit. Key Objectives Reduction in Audit Cycle Time. Ensure consistency in conduct of audits and report of audit findings. Analysis of historical process compliance data for process improvement initiatives. Scope Only offshore projects in case of business units are presently ins the scope of audit through the tool.
Annual Audit Plan ( Roles involved AIC(Quality), AIC(IQAC) )Annual Audit Plan Audit Plan ( Roles involved Lead Auditor, AIC(IQAC) )Audit Plan Audit Schedule( Roles involved Lead Auditor, Auditor, Auditee )Audit Schedule Audit Execution ( Roles involved Auditor, Additional Auditors / Observers,Audit Execution Auditee ) NC Tracking ( Roles involved Auditee, QR/Lead Auditor )NC Tracking Sequence in Webauditor
Executive Audit Report ( Roles Involved AIC(IQAC), AIC )Executive Audit Report
Annual Audit Plan Roles Involved 1) AIC(IQAC) : Is responsible for preparing and modifying the annual audit plan 2) AIC(Quality) : Is responsible for the release of the annual audit plan Steps Involved 1) Preparation of Annual Audit Plan 2) Review of Annual Audit Plan 3) Modify/Release Annual Audit Plan.
Annual Audit Plan Preparation AIC(IQAC) log in and select webauditor tool. Click Annual Audit Plan Click Here to create new Annual Audit Plan. Note: An Annual Audit Plan can be created for the current business year and on completion of previous rounds of audits. Prepare Annual Audit plan and click “Save” button to partially save or click “Submit” button to submit the plan for review. Status gets updated to “Partially Saved” or “For Review” depending on the choice selected. Mail will be sent to AIC(Quality) if the Annual Audit Plan is submitted for review.
Annual Audit Plan
Review AIC(Quality) log in. Click Review Annual Audit Plan Review Plan. Can either approve or put On Hold the Annual Audit Plan by choosing the appropriate selection at the bottom of the plan and submitting. The status of plan gets updated to “On Hold” or “Approved” depending on the selection made. Mail will be sent to AIC(IQAC) informing that the plan is reviewed. Annual Audit Plan
Annual Audit Plan Modify/Release AIC(IQAC) log in. If status of the plan is Approved, then Click Annual Audit Plan Release Plan The status gets updated to Released Note : Release Mails are sent to Lead Auditors, QR’s and Quality AIC’s only. If status of the Annual Audit Plan is “On Hold” then Click Annual Audit Plan Modify Plan. Modify the Plan and re-submit it to AIC(Quality). The status gets updated to For Review. Mail sent to AIC(Quality) informing the same.
Audit Plan Roles Involved 1) Lead Auditor : Is responsible for the preperation,modification and release of the quarterly audit plan 2) AIC (IQAC): Is responsible for the approval of the quarterly audit plan Steps Involved 1) Preparation of Quarterly Audit Plan. 2) Review of Quarterly Audit Plan. 3) Modify/Release Plan of Quarterly Audit Plan.
Audit Plan Preparation Lead Auditor logs in. Click Audit Plan. Select the following : year and round. the circle and location for which you want to define the audit plan Click define audit plan button. Note: The audit plan can only be defined for the current Quarter Click save to partially save the document or click submit to submit it to AIC(IQAC).The status gets updated to For Review or Partially Saved depending on the selection made. Mail sent to AIC(IQAC) informing the same.
Audit Plan
Review AIC(IQAC) log in. Click Audit Plans. Select the year and round. Click Under Review link for the corresponding audit plan to review. Select Approve or On Hold at the bottom of the audit plan and click Review Done. The status of the audit plan gets modified to Approved or On Hold depending on the selection made. Mail sent to Lead Auditor informing the same.
Audit Plan
Modify/Release Plan : Lead Auditor logs in. If status of Audit plan is Approved. Click Audit Plans. Select year and round. Click Release Plan for the corresponding audit plan you wish to release. A Window will open with a Release button at the bottom of the plan. Click on button if the plan is to be released.The status gets updated to Released. Mails sent to concerned unit’s QRs. If status of audit is On Hold Click Audit Plans. Select year and round. Click Modify Plan for the corresponding audit plan you wish to modify. Modify and resubmit it. The plan goes to AIC(IQAC) and the status gets modified to For review. Mail sent to AIC(IQAC) informing the same.
Audit Schedule NOTE The audit schedule involves the scheduling of the audit date.The auditee should give a favorable date when the audit should happen for his respective audit area,the audit date given by the auditee should be within the audit time period that was given by the Lead Auditor.The audit date entered by the auditee through the tool is in turn reviewed by the auditor who can agree or disagree with the given date.If the audit date is disagreed by the auditor then the auditee should get back with a new date.If the date is rejected more than three times, the Lead Auditor can directly intervene and set a date. Only on the date of audit will the link to pick and complete the checklist will be available to the auditee.
Audit Schedule Roles Involved 1) Lead Auditor: Is responsible for preparing the Audit Schedule phase and who decides the audit date if the date is not finalized between Auditee and auditor within 3 attempts. 2) Auditee: Is responsible for generating the audit date for his assigned audit area 3) Auditor: The person who will approve of the audit date by the auditee for the assigned audit area Steps Involved 1) Generation of Audit Schedule by Lead Auditor. 2) Audit date negotiation between Auditee and auditor.
Audit Schedule Generation of Audit Schedule by Lead Auditor Lead Auditor log in. Click Audit Schedule. Select the year and round. Click Generate Schedule (if not prepared)link for the corresponding audit plan. Note: It will be Complete Schedule if it is partially saved or View Audit Schedule if it is released A window will open showing the audit areas selected in the plan. Select the auditee, auditor and additional auditor(if required) / Observer (if required) for the corresponding audit area. Click “Save” button to partially save the draft or click “release” button to release the audit schedule to the auditor and auditee. The status gets updated to Partially Saved or released
Audit Schedule depending on the choice made by Lead Auditor. Mail is sent to Unit QR’s, Auditees, Auditors, Additional Auditors and Observers informing the release of the schedule.
Audit Schedule Audit Date Negotiation between Auditee and Auditor By Auditee Auditee Logs in. Click Audits Negotiate Audit Date. A window will open where you must select the audit date.After entering the audit date, it must be submitted for review to auditor. Note: The Audit date must be between the audit scheduled dates. A mail will be sent to the Auditor informing the date selected by auditee for conducting the audit By Auditor Auditor logs in. Click Audits Negotiate Audit Date. A window will open where you must agree or disagree with the auditee on the date.Click the appropriate button at the bottom of the schedule. If it is agreed status will be updated to Audit Pending.
Audit Schedule Note: The auditor cannot change date, only agree or disagree. Mail will be sent to Auditee informing the same. Note: If the Auditee wishes to reschedule the Audit date.He can do so with the link Audits Change Audit Date.
Audit Execution Roles Involved 1) Auditor: Is responsible for the completion of the checklist along with the Auditee and should also complete the Audit and NC report. 2) Additional Auditors / Observers: They can only view the audit if they are present. 3) Auditee: Is responsible for entering and completion of the checklist. Steps Involved 1) CheckList selection and Completion by Auditee and Auditor. 2) Audit Report and NC report preparation by Auditor.
Audit Execution CheckList selection and Completion by Auditee Auditee log in. Click Audits Pick CheckList for the corresponding audit plan. Then proceed to select the appropriate Focus areas within the procedures and click Get CheckList Items button. Note : Only in the case of Business units can the auditee pick the checklist, for Support Unit audits only the checklist items selected by the Lead Auditor will be available to the auditee. A new window will open in which you must select the checklist areas. After completion click Save CheckList. For Completion Click Audits Complete CheckList for the corresponding audit plan. A new window will open in which you must fill in the values for the checklist. After completion click on Save CheckList button.
Audit Execution CheckList selection and completion by the Auditor. Auditor log in. Click Audits Complete CheckList. The auditor in presence of auditee must verify the checklist. Note: This link will be enabled only on the date agreed upon by the Auditor and Auditee. If the auditor wishes to raise an NC outside of the checklist items present in the tool, he can do so by clicking on the link Raise NC outside checklist items. Click Audit in Progress button at the bottom of the Audit plan if you want to continue later. The status of the audit will be modified to Audit in Progress.
Audit Execution If the auditor wishes to complete the checklist the auditee must type in the password/signature at the bottom of the audit plan and the auditor must click agree audit findings. Note: The Auditor can View Non-Conformances if there are any. If an observer is present during the audit, then acknowledge it by selecting the checkbox corresponding to the observer name. At the bottom of the checklist items page. The status of the audit plan will be updated to NC Identification if there is a NC or else Complete Audit Report if there is no NC. Audit Report and NC report preparation by the Auditor Once the audit is over, the auditor must click on complete audit reportfor that particular audit and and fill in the details. If there is an NC for the audit, then the auditor must click on complete NC report for that particular audit and fill in the details
Audit Execution
NC Tracking Roles Involved 1) Auditee: Is responsible for proposing a date for closure action of NC’s and taking the closure action. 2) QR/Lead Auditor : Is responsible for the verification for the date of closure action and the closure action taken. Steps Involved 1) Closure Date for NC 2) QR verification of the date 3) Closure action 4) QR/Lead Auditor verification
NC Tracking Closure date for NC. Auditee log in. Click Non Conformances NC’s List corresponding to the audit plan you want to close. A new window will open click closure action corresponding to the NC number you want to close. Note: Closure action can be taken only if the audit report and NC report have been created by the auditor. It is mandatory to enter a valid correction action that is planned to be taken, the preventive action is optional. A new window will open where you must enter the values. Click the Commit dates/Action button. The status of the NC will be updated to C/CA/PA identification pending. Mail will be sent to the QR/LA for verification of the dates.
NC Tracking QR/Lead Auditor verification of dates The QR/Lead Auditor must log in. Click Track NCs in the main menu. Select the year and round and then click Track Ncs corresponding to the audit area that has NC A new window will open, click Confirm C/CA/PA. A new window will open where the QR/Lead Auditor must enter the values or text and click either Change Correction/CA/PA(to reset the status of the NC and allow the auditee to review the closure date and action) or Correction/CA/PA confirmed ( to approve the date). The NC status will be modified to Implementation Pending if the dates have been approved. A mail will be sent to the Auditee.
NC Tracking Closure action Auditee log in. Click Non Conformances NC’s List corresponding to the audit plan you want to close. A new window will open click closure action corresponding to the NC number you want to close. A new window will open where you must click on the Closure Action Taken if you have agreed with the action taken. The NC status will be updated to Implementation Verification Pending. A mail will be sent to the QR/Lead Auditor informing the same.
NC Tracking QR/Lead Auditor Verification The QR/Lead Auditor must log in. Click Track NCs. Select the year and round and then click Track Ncs corresponding to the audit plan that has NC A new window will open, click Confirm NC Implementation. A new window will open where you must click Close NC to close the NC. (Note: The "Correction/CA/PA" button will intimate the auditee that implementation done by auditee is not as per agreed proposed action and the NC Status will be changed back to implementation pending.The "Change Correction/CA/PA" button resets the status of the NC and allows the auditee to review the committed dates and actions.)
NC Tracking The NC status will be updated to Closed. A mail will be sent to the Auditee,PM informing the same.
NC Tracking
Executive Audit Report Roles Involved 1) AIC(IQAC): The person who releases the executive Audit Reports. 2) AIC(BU): The person who receives and views the Executive Audit Report. Steps Involved 1) Preparation and Release of Executive Audit Report circle and location wise. 2) Release of Executive Audit Report Circle wise across all locations. 3) View of Executive Audit Report by the AIC(BU).
Executive Audit Report Preparation and Release of Executive Audit Report Circle-Location wise AIC(IQAC) log in. Click Reports Executive Audit Reports. Select the appropriate year,round and unit for which the report is required and click on Generate Report.. A new window will open in which the report,an option to save the AIC(IQAC) remarks and a button named “Generate” will appear. Click to generate the report. Select the same year,round and unit for which the report was generated and click on “Release report”. The report will open in a new window and a button to release the report will be present at the bottom of the report.Click on “Release Report” to release the Executive Audit Report. The plan will be sent to respective AIC’s
Executive Audit Report Preparation and Release of Executive Audit Report Circle wise across all locations AIC(IQAC) log in. Click Reports Executive Audit Reports Circle wise. Select the appropriate year,round and unit for which the report is required and click on Generate Report. A new window will open in which the report,an option to save the AIC(IQAC) remarks and a button named “Release” will appear. Click to release the report. Note: This report will generate the Executive Audit Report across all locations for a circle and will be made available to all the AIC’s and Lead Auditors for that circle. The plan will be sent to respective AIC’s.
Executive Audit Report View of Executive Audit Report by AIC(BU) AIC(BU) log in to webauditor. Click on Executive Audit Reports Select the year, round and unit for which the Executive Audit report has been released and click on “View Executive Audit Report”. The Executive Audit Report will open in a new window. Note : Similarly the AIC(BU) can view the Executive Audit Report for a circle across all locations by the link Executive Audit Report Circle- Wise.But it will be available only if it has been released by the AIC(IQAC).
Executive Audit Report