Ongoing Archiving Projects Hans Becker EMANI – Project Meeting February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen References RLG Long-term Retention Initiative, Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository: Meeting the Needs of Research Resources RLG-OCLC Report), CAMILEON (Creative Archiving at MIchigian and Leeds Emulating the Old on the New), ntations/Cornell_Presentation.ppt DLF (Digital Library Federation), Mellon electronic journal archiving program (progress report),
February 14 th - 16 th, 2002 EMANI Project Meeting SUB Göttingen... E-Journal Archive DTD Feasibility Study (prepared for the Harvard University Library), OCLC/RLG Preservation Metadata Working Group, PADI (Preserving Access to Digital Information),