The Detector Performance Study for the Barrel Section of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) with Cosmic Rays Yoshikazu Nagai, Kazuhiko Hara (Univ. of.


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Presentation transcript:

The Detector Performance Study for the Barrel Section of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) with Cosmic Rays Yoshikazu Nagai, Kazuhiko Hara (Univ. of Tsukuba) Yoshiki Yamashita, Ryuichi Takashima ( Kyoto Univ. of Education ) Satoru Mima, Reisaburo Tanaka ( Okayama Univ. ) Taka Kondo ( KEK )

Contents Introduction Large Hadron Collider (LHC) & ATLAS ID Barrel Combined Cosmic Ray Test SCT Analysis Track reconstruction SCT Module Efficiencies High Resistance Modules Summary and Plans

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) physics motivations Higgs physics Physics beyond the SM Supersymmetry Extra dimension etc … Many other physics … ALICE MONT BLANC Lac Léman Geneva Air Port LHCb CMS ATLAS 8.5km LHC ( Large Hadron CERN First collision will be in November 2007 with. The collisions with will be in April LHC is a proton-proton collider which is under CERN.

Inner Detector Pixel : the pixel detector SCT : the semiconductor tracker TRT : the transition radiation tracker Calorimeter Muon Systems Magnet systems A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS) Tile HD LAr EM LAr HEC Muon Systems 42m 23m Magnet systems Overall weight : 8000 Tons Tracker : Calorimeter :

ID Barrel Combined Cosmic Ray Test # of Modules =468 (Top=252, Bottom=216) (layer 0,1,2,3) = (84/108/144/132) layer 0 layer 3 layer 1 layer 2 Top Bottom S3 S2 S1 trigger: or No magnetic field 12 modules Link0 Link1 TRT SCT

ID Barrel Combined Cosmic Ray Test First combined test of ID with realistic geometry Goals of combined cosmic ray test Test SCT 4 barrels with operating TRT Check detector efficiency, noise level, alignment study, tracking study Develop monitoring tools for SCT/TRT etc …

Event Info SCT + TRT Combined Run # of Events : 110K Track Reconstruction Spacepoint is formed by finding the intersection of the strips on the front and back side of a module Track candidates are built by fitting these spacepoints with straight-line (pattern finding procedure) SCT Spacepoint definition Track Reconstruction (with no alignment) Tracks are reconstructed in ATHENA (ATLAS software) flame work. track candidate

Track Reconstruction if track candidates are found Track candidates are fitted by hits (single or a few strips) (fitting procedure) SCT Hit difinition strip fired if track has chi^2 / ndof < 40, it is accepted !! (Here, tracks are roughly cut) 1 module track For accepted tracks remove one layer hits (e.g. remove hits in layer 0) refit the track if refitted track fills : chi^2 / ndof < 10 & Hits in Top sector >4 & Hits in Bottom sector > 4 this track is used for efficiency caluculation muon remove hit

Efficiency Caluculation strip fired predicted hit position 1.5mm Hit Observed !! extrapolate the refitted track to the layer surface which hits removed = predicted hit position search hits from the predicted hit position within 1.5mm = observed hit or not black : real data red : sim data chi^2 / ndof mm Efficiency Eff = # of observed hit / # of predicted hit real data sim data

SCT Module Efficiencies real data sim data layer 0 Link1layer 1 Link0layer 0 Link0layer 2 Link0layer 1 Link1layer 2 Link1layer 3 Link0layer 3 Link1 layer 0 Link1layer 1 Link0layer 0 Link0layer 2 Link0layer 1 Link1layer 2 Link1layer 3 Link0layer 3 Link1 real data shows ~ 99% Efficiency sim data shows ~ 95% Efficiency Both sim & real data show low Efficiency in Layer 3 What are the inefficiency sources ??

SCT Module Efficiencies real data sim data layer 3 Link 0 layer 3 Link 1 cable swap some bottom sector modules shows low Efficiency !!

top RMS : Mean : bottom RMS : Mean : real data sim data Efficiency / 0.5% normalize top RMS : Mean : bottom RMS : Mean : Layer 3 Module Efficiencies top vs bottom

High resistance in HV bias line are found in ID barrel cosmic test Statistics Out of 468 SCT barrel modules for ID barrel cosmic test 46 Modules have R>40k  28 Modules have R>40k  after  A cycle. 4 Modules have R>100k  after  A cycle. normal SCT modules should have R = 35 ~ 40k  resistance through the bias voltage circuit High resistance modules

46 Modules have R>40k  Resistance (kOhm) High resistance modules

Efficiency / 0.5% Red Line : R>40kOhm modules (46modules) Black Line : R<40kOhm modules RMS : Mean : RMS : Mean :

Summary module efficiency for layer 0,1,2 show ~ 99% with cosmic ray. module efficiency for layer 3 show ~ 98.2%, a bit lower than other layers. layer 3 top sector efficiency is a bit higher than bottom sector. modules with high resistance show the possibility of efficiency degradation. Plans check what the layer 3 module inefficiency sources are check high resistance modules are really a little bit of inefficient

back up

Module Efficiencies top vs bottom top RMS : Mean : bottom RMS : Mean : real data sim data Efficiency / 0.5% normalize top RMS : Mean : bottom RMS : Mean :

Residual ly0 real data sim data

Residual ly1 real datasim data

Residual ly2 real datasim data

Residual ly3 real data sim data