Implementation of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) 23 February 2010
Content Introduction National Instructions Training Communication in support of the implementation of the NI Monitoring and Evaluation
Section 97(5) of the Act requires National Commissioner to issue National Instructions This must be done after consultation with DG’s of Justice, Social Development, Education and Correctional Services The instructions must be submitted to Parliament and after 30 days, published in Gazette The Instructions published in Gazette must be submitted to Parliament before Act comes into operation
NATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS Draft National Instruction has been completed Existing Standing Orders have been amended where appropriate Departmental forms have been developed Consultation process has commenced Comments following upon consultation process will be incorporated Instruction will be published in Gazette during last week of March 2010
Overview Broad target group ETD Solutions supporting implementation of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) One-day Information Session Two-day In-Service Training workshop One-week In-Service Learning Programme Trainer capacity creation Implementation plan
Broader target group Provincial Heads responsible for Visible Policing Cluster Commanders Key police officials at cluster level, dealing with Visible Policing Station commanders Detective Branch Commanders FCS Unit Commanders CSC Commanders CSC Relief commanders CSC personnel, including members responsible for police cells and detention Key detectives nominated from each general branch/unit Basic Training Learners
ETD Solutions supporting implementation of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) One-day Information Session on the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) and NI Presented decentralised by Subject Matter Experts (Legal Services) and supported by Training Two-day In-Service Training workshop for police officials dealing with the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) and the NI Presented decentralised and on national level by Training One-week In-Service Learning Programme for police officials specialising in dealing with vulnerable children (Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) and IN included) Presented decentralised and on national level by Training Start 22 March 2010Start 24 May 2010Start 5 July 2010
One-day Information Session Provincial Heads responsible for Visible Policing Cluster Commanders Key police officials at cluster level, dealing with Visible Policing Station commanders Detective Branch Commanders FCS Unit Commanders CSC Commander Target Group The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) NI Focus
Two-day In-Service Training workshop CSC personnel, including members responsible for police cells and detention Crime Prevention members Sector Commanders Detectives FCS members Target Group The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) NI Focus
One-week In-Service Learning Programme Visible Policing members Detectives FCS Target Group Vulnerable Children The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) NI Focus
Trainer capacity creation Create Core Trainer capacity for Provincial and National Training to deal with both the 2-day workshop and 1-week Learning Programme (see action plan) Provincial Trainers address the provincial needs with both the 2- day workshops and 1- week learning programme IS-Trainers capacitated to present the 2-day workshop content in the following existing learning programmes: Basic Management Training Station Commander Learning Programme Detective Learning Programme Crime Prevention Level-1 Relief Commander Training Programme Trainers in Basic Training capacitated to present the content of the 2-day Workshop as part of BT 2011 intake
Implementation Plan (1) NoAction StepsDue datesProgress and Responsibility One-day Information Session 1 Design and development of a one-day information session on the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No. 75 of 2008) 8-10 March 2010 Legal Services (LS) with technical training support from Division Training 2 One-day orientation session for legal officials from various provinces and national responsible for presenting the one-day information sessions 15 March 2010 Legal Services (LS) with technical training support from Division Training 3 Information session schedules develop in accordance with predetermined priorities 19 March 2010 Provincial Training supported by Legal Services (LS) 4 Information sessions commence in accordance with predetermined priorities 22 March 2010Provincial and National Legal Services (LS) with technical training support from Division Training
Implementation Plan (2) NoAction StepsDue datesProgress and Responsibility Two-day Training Workshop 1 Development workshop (to design and develop a two-day training workshop 6-8 April 2010Division Training (R&D) with Legal Services (LS), VISPOL 2 Preliminary quality assurance12 to 16 April 2010Division Training (QA section) Print material for pilot19-23 April 2010Division Training 3 Pilot learning material for two--day workshop28 April 2010Division Training (R&D, In-Service Training) and LS 4 Adjust content of workshop in accordance with pilot results April 2010Division Training 5 Present 3-day trainer-the-trainer on the two- day training workshop May 2010Division Training (R&D, In-Service Training) and LS 6 Approval by Education, Training and Evaluation Committee (ETD-EC) May 2010Division Training 7 Provincial training schedule for operational police officials commences 24 May 2010Provincial Training
Implementation Plan (3) NoAction StepsDue datesProgress and Responsibility One-week learning programme 1 One-week learning programme finalised30 April 2010Division Training 2 Preliminary quality assurance3-7 May 2010 Division Training (QA section) 3 Print material for pilot17-21 May 2010Division Training 4 Pilot one-week learning programme24-28 May 2010 Division Training (R&D and In-Service Training) and LS 5 Adjust content in accordance with pilot results 1-4 June 2010Division Training 6 Approval by Education, Training and Evaluation Committee (ETD-EC) 4 June 2010Division Training 7 Present 8-day trainer-the-trainer for the one- week learning programme June 2010 Division Training (R&D and In-Service Training) and LS 8 Final adjustment of content in accordance with T-t-T results June Division Training 9 Provincial training schedule for specific target groups of operational police officials commences 5 July 2010Provincial Training
Referral networks Details of designated probations officer and child and youth care centres will be updated and issued before 1 April 2010 Referral information must also be provided on SAPS intranet by 1 April 2010 SAPS will request that DSD at provincial level informs us as soon as information changes but on a quarterly basis SAPS Visible Policing will confirm the accuracy of information with DSD
Communication Communication plan in support of the implementation of the Act must be adopted to raise awareness of the issue and what is required. The communication plan should target SAPS members, CPFs and communities. Communication tools like the booklet on the Act should also include contact details of experts who can assist stations with queries and problems
Communication Plan NoAction StepsDue datesProgress and Responsibility Communication Action Plan 1 Draft statement/circular to issue prior to implementation of Act to alert SAPS of processes to come 31 March 2010Division Visible Policing 2 Distribution of National Instruction, Act and Regulations via SAPS intranet, , fax and delivery Immediately after NI is published in the Government Gazette Divisions Legal Services, Visible Policing and Communication Services Development of “Policing the Child Justice Act“ booklet 1 April 2010Division Visible Policing 3 Printing of booklet and distribution to stations and in salary advises 30 April 2010Communication Services 4 POL-TV programme with content expert on implementation of the CJA Broadcast during April and May of April 2010 Division Legal Services and Communication Services 5 Circular to CPFs explaining SAPS changed roles and responsibilities Issued in first week of April 2010 Division Visible Policing 6 Media statement on the Implementation of the Act and what can be expected from SAPS when a child comes into conflict with the law 1 April 2010Communication Services
Monitoring and Evaluations Progress with training interventions will be monitored on the Training Administration System SAPS will continue to monitor numbers of children arrested and charged and also report figures to the ISCCJ Provincial and National ISCCJ fora will monitor implementation co-operation and ensure that interventions happen to address problems SAPS Provincial Inspectorate and SAPS Visible Policing Division will include this aspect in station visits (90 visits per year from National level)