New beam test simulation application for ATLAS Tile Calorimeter in FADS/Goofy framework Application details & Some results Vakhtang Tsulaia JINR, Dubna Geant4 Users’ Workshop November 14, 2002, CERN
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop2 Contents Application details: –Development framework –Geometry of beam test setups –Readout system –User Action classes –Event generator –Physics lists used Physics results: –Energy depositions (comparison with G3) –Energy resolutions for pions in different beam test setups –The e/ ratio –Hadronic shower profiles in TileCal prototypes
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop3 General structure of the application Application developed in FADS/Goofy - framework for ATLAS simulation in G4 Development framework FADS is aimed to extend G4 functionality providing a middleware on top of G4 Simulation program Goofy is empty at initialization –contains no geometry, no physics, no event generators etc. –everything is provided by user interactively TileCal Beam Test Simulation application consists of set of shared libraries that are used by Goofy at run time –library for geometry, sensitive detectors, users actions (should be separated in the future) –library for physics lists –library for event generator
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop4 Some features of FADS/Goofy Provides a set of services –Material Manager, Detector Facility, Physics List Catalog etc. Provides set of abstract interfaces –for Geometry organization, Sensitive detectors, User actions etc Users create their own realizations of the abstract interfaces and register them in corresponding catalog –one line of code for registration The concrete objects necessary for particular simulation chosen at run time –the geometry is built from existing detectors –physics lists selected –user actions selected
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop5 Some features of FADS/Goofy Provides abstract interfaces to analysis systems –ROOT, HBOOK, HTL –Currently not used by TileCal simulation Includes XML parser –Used in TileCal simulation for description of Geometry, Readout system, Materials, Colors Access to MySQL database –Planned to try in the future Persistency scheme - ROOT –Not used in TileCal simulation at the moment For details about ATLAS simulation in FADS/Goofy – –Presentation of Andrea Dell’Acqua on Geant4 Developers’ Workshop, CERN, 2 nd October 2002
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop6 Application details - GEOMETRY
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop7 Application details - GEOMETRY Detailed geometry description in XML of all types of Tile modules: –Central barrel module –Extended barrel module + ITC –Module0 (slightly different from central barrel) –Prototype module Description of all modules in one XML file Dedicated XML file providing for each Beam Test setup configuration –indicates module types used and their positions –contains a few lines of code Provided description of 4 Tile Beam Test setups –Beam Test 2000 –Beam Test 1998 –Beam Test 1997 –Beam Test 1995
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop8 Application details - GEOMETRY <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso ”? <TileTB name=“TileTB” RMin=“2270.” RMax=“4550.” DzTile=“6150.” DeltaPhi=“5.625” NrOfModules=“6” ModuleType=“ ” Zoffset=“ ” Roffset=“ ” PhiPosition=“ ” Barrel=“Barrel” Extended=“” Module0=“” Proto=“Proto” /> File tb98.xml (Beam test 1998 setup):
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop9 <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso ”? <TileExtended name=“Extended” EBarrel=“EBarrel” Plug1=“Plug1” Plug2=“Plug2” /> <TileTB name=“TileTB” RMin=“2280.” RMax=“4250.” DzTile=“6150.” DeltaPhi=“5.625” NrOfModules=“4” ModuleType=“ ” Zoffset=“ ” Roffset=“ ” PhiPosition=“ ” Barrel=“Barrel” Extended=“Extended” Module0=“Module0” Proto=“” /> Application details - GEOMETRY File tb00.xml (Beam test 2000 setup):
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop10 Application details - GEOMETRY Information from XML is read into DetectorDescription objects (FADS specific) –DescriptionFactory mechanism used (FADS specific) –Hierarchy of DetectorDescription objects based on hierarchy of corresponding XML elements (TileSection, TilePeriod, TileScintillator etc) One DetectorFacility class provided for whole setup (FADS) –Build() method realized –Volumes created only for necessary types of modules Messenger provided for Beam Test setup allowing position changes –Rotation in theta: /TileTB/RotateDeg –Setting Z coordinate of central module: /TileTB/ZPosition –Rotation in phi to be implemented Simple Leakage Detector implemented –Improvement required
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop11 Application details - READOUT SYSTEM Negative side of Central Barrel module
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop12 Application details - READOUT SYSTEM Readout system described in XML –Samples, Cells - as XML elements –PMTs - as attributes of Cells Provided set of XML files –each file describing readout system for one type of Tile module <TileSample name=“Barrel_D” SampleID=“5:1:X:X:X:2” FirstRow=“9” LastRow=“10” Cells=“Dneg3 Dneg2 Dneg1 D0 Dpos1 Dpos2 Dpo3” /> <TileCell name=“D0” TileID=“5:1:1:X:0:2” NrOfTilesInRow=“40 40” NrOfPMT=“2” Holes=“1 -1” /> Sample XML code Two PMTs for each cell
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop13 Information read from XML is kept in hierarchy of FADS DetectorDescription objects Application details - READOUT SYSTEM
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop14 Application details - READOUT SYSTEM DetectorDescription objects hierarchy is exploited in several parts of Tile Beam Test simulation –Sensitive Detector: processing hits –User Actions: End Of Event actions, ntuple creation Correspondence between scintillators and cells is kept in TileSectionDescription –Vector of pointers to TileCellDescription objects Simulation of optical model for TileCal implemented –provided simple mechanism to distribute energy into PMTs depending of energy deposition Y coordinate Hits hold energy in one PMT and corresponding Cell identifiers –no persistency implemented for hits yet
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop15 Application details - USER ACTIONS Class TileTBUserAction derived from FADS UserAction provides general functionality –Ntuple manipulation routines using standard HBOOK mechanisms –Two empty methods to be realized in child: EndOfEventAction CreateNtuple (calling from BeginOfRunAction) Two child classes of TileTBUserAction provide specific functionality to produce ntuples of different structures –TileTBUASamples. Ntuple with structure similar to one existent for Tile Beam Test simulation in G3 –TileTBUADrawers. Ntuple with structure similar to Beam Test ntuples The concrete User Action is chosen at run time –FADS mechanisms: /Actions/RegisterForAction
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop16 Application details - USER ACTIONS All ntuples have common GENERAL block –Vertex, Momentum –Total energies and track lengths in scintillators, absorbers TileTBUASamples grouping variables by module samples –EneB1S1U(20) – energies in UP PMTs in barrel module 1 sample 1 –EneB1S1D(20) – same for DOWN PMTs TileTBUASamples grouping variables by module sides (drawers) –EneB1P(48) – energies in barrel module 1 positive side PMTs –EneB1N(48) – energies in negative side PMTs The concrete structure of produced ntuple is implemented on the fly –based on information in DetectorDescription hierarchy
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop17 Application details – EVENT GENERATOR Dedicated TileTBGenerator class implemented using FADS mechanisms –Derived from abstract AtlGenerator –Generates HepMC events Specific features –Fixed momentum direction for particles (1,0,0) –Fixed beam dimensions along Y and Z axis –Two possible particle distribution ‘flat’ – along Z axis ‘uniform’ – in YZ surface Messenger provided –Choose particle –Choose energy –Choose beam dimensions in Y and Z –Choose distribution type
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop18 Application details – PHYSICS LISTS The application uses hadronic physics lists provided by Hans-Peter Wellisch –LHEP. Uses LEP and HEP parameterized models for inelasting scattering –QGSP. Employs quark gluon string precompound model The lists are used as they are –Change of default cut value tried The lists are kept up to date with newest releases Details about Hadronic Physics Lists by Use-Case can be found at
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop19 Application details – CONCLUSIONS Universal application developed for TileCal Beam test simulations –All existing beam test setups can be simulated The application exploits many specific features of FADS/Goofy framework –Dynamic loading, plug-in techniques –Actions on demand –XML parser Still needs tests and further developments –Additional details of setup geometry, additional rotations –Improvement simulation TileCal optical model –Usage of database, persistency mechanisms Is currently available on LXPLUS at ~tilecal/FADS/TestBeam
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop20 Physics results – GENERAL NOTES Tests performed with Geant4.4.p01 + bug fix in G4ReactionDynamics provided by Hans-Peter Since the application has been released recently most of results are preliminary –Some of tests started just one week ago Mainly QGSP list used for recent runs Tests performed for different setup configurations –TB1995: tests in August –September, last week –TB2000, TB1998: last week only Decreasing cut value in range gives no effect in results but considerably increases simulation time –Default cut value left equal to 1.0 mm Negative pions used
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop21 Physics results – ENERGY DEPOSITIONS Presented results for Beam Test 2000 setup Runs performed last week QGSP list Pions at =20° Results compared with simulation data for the same setup in G3
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop22 Physics results – ENERGY DEPOSITIONS Ratio of energy deposited in calorimeter to beam energy -- G4 -- G3
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop23 Physics results – ENERGY DEPOSITIONS Ratio of energy in scintillators to beam energy -- G4 -- G3
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop24 Physics results – ENERGY RESOLUTIONS Presented results for three setups Pions at =20° No noise, no cuts Beam Test 1995 –Results compared to experimental data from TileCal TDR –QGSP and LHEP lists –August – September runs Beam Test 2000, 1998 –Results compared to G3 simulation for Beam Test 2000 –QGSP list only –Last week runs
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop25 ENERGY RESOLUTIONS Beam Test 1995
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop26 ENERGY RESOLUTIONS Beam Test 2000 Beam Test 1998 (blue)
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop27 Physics results – e/ RATIO Beam Test 1995 Pions at =20° Two lists G3 Data for Beam Test 2000 September runs
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop28 Physics results – HADRONIC SHOWER PROFILES TileCal Beam Test 1995 (stack of 5 prototype modules) Z scan of 100 GeV negative pions at =10° Noise 40 MeV/Cell G4 results compared to experimental data Hadronic shower development described in Hadronic Shower Development in Tile Iron-Scintillator Calorimetry - Kulchitski,Yu; hep- ex/ ; E ; JINR-E Dubna : Joint Inst. Nucl. Res., 8 Oct 1999 Kumacs for the analysis provided by Yuri Kulchitski
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop29 LATERAL PROFILE Energy depositions in cells summed over all calorimeter depth segments, as a function of Z coordinate -- G4 -- Experimental data
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop30 LONGITUDINAL PROFILE Longitudinal profile of the hadronic shower as a function of the longitudinal coordinate x in units of Dashed line represents a calculation, not a fit -- G4 -- Experimental data
14/11/2002V.Tsulaia, Geant4 Users' Workshop31 Physics results – CONCLUSIONS THE PRESENTED RESULTS CANNOT BE CONSIDERED AS FINAL ONES! –Some tests just started –Lots of aspects need to be investigated Some results really improved –Resolution in prototypes –Lateral shower profile shape To be continued…