Where does one first learn about Volunteering?
For many volunteers, their introduction to volunteering was traced back to their childhood as their initial exposure to volunteering. Observed parental and familial participation in community, church, political and other socio- civic activities were reported to have a lasting influence on children’s later involvements as adults.
“During EDSA 1 revolution, my father and two brothers would go there to bring food… I was not allowed to come… I was in Grade 4 or 5…. But I became interested in it… “
Actual childhood volunteer experiences primarily revolved around school and church activities. School activities included membership in service organizations and volunteering for various school/church projects. “ I was first honor student in grade school so when the teacher is absent, the other teachers would tell me to take care of the class. So I would go to the front and be the substitute teacher. “
School as Entry to formal Volunteering ELEMENTARY YEARS - Entry point for volunteering within an organization HIGH SCHOOL YEARS - Initial formal volunteering COLLEGE YEARS - Involved in more than one volunteer activity
Constraints in Volunteer Work Family Time Financial Resources Organizational Factors Self /Personality and Health Concerns
Realizations from Volunteering Self Development Community Development “When I thought I had given my best, I was surprised that I had more to offer. The best was not yet my best… There are stages of cycles in life. Just like priesthood, one starts with the first vows, then the second vows. Over time, one’s experiences and commitments deepens.
Triumphs as Volunteers Self- developments - Self-awareness - Self-confidence Service delivery Advocacy Policy Setting
Sacrifices as Volunteers Time Health Financial Factors Work Hazards Life choices
Gains From Volunteering Rewarding Fulfilling Satisfying “Amidst all the hazards and hectic schedules, I felt happier and more contented with my life. I tell you, to know that you have been part of the person’s happiness, no amount of money could ever buy that feeling… knowing that I have planted hopes in the hearts of men… I live a much happier and contented life.”
Recommendations for Sustained Formal Volunteering Recruitment and selection Training Nurturance of the volunteer in the psychological realms Nurturance of the volunteer in the material realm Promotion of volunteering
Factors Affecting Volunteer Sustainability Community Factors - Community involvement