About the Traffic in London. By the end of the lesson you should be able:  to talk about city transport and transport in London;  to revise words and.


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Presentation transcript:

About the Traffic in London

By the end of the lesson you should be able:  to talk about city transport and transport in London;  to revise words and words combinations for this topic;  to identify main ideas and details from the text for reading.

Lexical Game "Biggies!" 1111) David ran all the way to the stop, but he missed the biggie. 2222) A biggie way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train.

"Mind Map"

Answer the questions  What is the most reliable means of transport in your town?  Do you know the town you live in very well?  Can you give some advice as to getting around your town?  What number (bus, trolley-bus, tram, shuttle minibus) do you take when you go to the central square (central Part, etc)?  What kind of transport do you like best?  What is the usual interval between trains of the underground?  From what time in the morning till what time at night do trams and buses run?  How long does it take you to get to the Palace of sports (Zoo, etc. )?

Speaking. You have a new pupil in your school. He/she knows nothing about your town's life and how to get around your town. Give him/her some advice concerning kinds of transport he/she should use.

Pre-Reading Activities  Are the traffic rules in Britain different from those in other European countries?  In Ukraine the cars and buses go on the right side of the street. What about the Great Britain?  Look at the picture  What means of transport can you see there? Is the street blocked with transport or is the road clear? Why don't we see any people there?  What part of the day is it? What makes you think so?

Which sentences do not fit to the text about the traffic in London?  1. All the buses in London have a conductor.  2. A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train.  3. You can find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls in the West End.  4. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful.  5. One of them helped me to carry my luggage.  6. The boats were new.  7. London taxes are called "black cabs".  8. Visitors can take a boat trip along the River Thames.

Answer the questions  Are the traffic rules in Britain different from those in other European countries?  Do all the buses in London have a conductor?  What is the quickest way to get to different places in the city?  What time is not good for making journey?  Are the most of London taxis black?

Speaking  Imagine you are a participant of a summer Language Retreat.  Ask your host-parents about means of transport you should use to get to your classes.

Homework TTTTo retell the text “About the Traffic in London”

Summarizing  Which activities have we done?  Was it interesting for you to know more about London and its traffic?  What means of transport do you remember?