SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 1 eXtreme Programming – one of the Agile Software Development Methodologies T Jari Vanhanen
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2 Agile Methodologies eXtreme Programming SCRUM Dynamic Systems Development Method Feature Driven Development Crystal Methodologies / Adaptive Systems Development Iterative and incremental in nature Package existing software engineering practices Some starting points for the interested: cles/newMethodology.html cles/newMethodology.html
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 3 From Waterfall to XP Time Analysis Design Implementation Test WaterfallIterativeXP Reference: Beck Kent, “Embracing Change with Extreme Programming”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 32, No. 10, 1999, pp
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 4 Introduction to eXtreme Programming (XP) XP is an extreme attempt to dramatically simplify the software development process XP focuses on what delivers value requirements and working code minimize the intermediate work products tacit knowledge, face-to-face communication Most famous of the agile processes Kent Beck, C3 project at Chrysler 1996 A set of common sense principles and practices taken to extreme levels testing, reviews, simplicity,...
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 5 Focus When to use XP small (2-10), co-located teams however, well-structured 10 person team can solve a larger problem than much bigger team with heavier methodology vague or rapidly changing requirements aiming to high productivity When not to use XP large team long time is needed to gain feedback of the system slow builds, infrequent releases, lack of customer collaboration automated, quick testing of the software is impossible technology with an inherently exponential cost curve
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 6 Characteristics Incremental planning feedback from short cycles flexible scheduling Evolutionary design process lasts as long as the system lasts Automated tests unit tests acceptance tests Oral communication, tests, and code to communicate system structure and intent Close collaboration of programmers High-discipline activity intensive coach required
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 7 Focus on Controlling the Scope Four variables in a project cost, time, quality and scope all can’t be fixed cost is the most constrained quality must usually be good more time means lack of feedback being able to adjust the scope gives best control
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 8 Flattened Change Cost Curve What does cost of change actually mean? detection, implementation, deployment? during an iteration, release, project, the whole life-cycle? Technical premise of XP steep change cost curve makes XP impossible What makes flattening possible object technology simple design automated tests lots of practice in modifying the design Or is it still there? XP’s practices just provide feedback early time cost of change time cost of change
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SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 10 Values, Principles and Practices Values short-term individual goals vs. long-term social goals common values required Principles more concrete considered when making decisions Practices concrete ways of work
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 11 Values (1/2) Communication lack of it is the reason for most problems punishment from bad news kills it XP employs practices that keep programmers, customers and managers communicating Simplicity What is the simplest thing that could possibly work? general vs. simple design anticipatory design assumes more work today saves later YAGNI low rate of changes anticipatory design high rate of changes refactoring and continuous design helps understanding
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 12 Values (2/2) Feedback concrete feedback about the state of the system scale of minutes or days unit tests, quality of stories (requirements), progress of tasks scale of weeks or months func. tests, schedule, system in production Courage changing the system throwing code away pair programming
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 13 Principles Fundamental principles rapid feedback critical for learning assume simplicity treat every problem as if it can be solved with simplicity incremental change series of smallest changes that make a difference embracing change best strategy preserves most options while actually solving your most pressing problem quality work excellent quality nobody likes doing a bad job Secondary principles teach learning small initial investment play to win concrete experiments open, honest communication work with people’s instincts, not against them accepted responsibility local adaptation travel light honest measurement
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 14 Practices - Overview Simple, well-known practices How could XP work? practices support each other’s weaknesses exponential change cost is collapsed (simple design, tests, refactoring) Practices Planning game Small releases Testing Continuous integration Metaphor Simple design Refactoring Pair programming Collective ownership Coding standard On-site customer 40-hour week
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 15 Practices - Process On-site customer sitting with the team customer and user views Testing functional (acceptance) tests for stories criteria for readiness unit tests for all methods that could possibly break 100% must pass all the time write tests before code Small releases as small as possible most valuable business requirements Planning game release planning iteration planning
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 16 Practices – Process - Planning Game Release planning customer decides scope, priority and dates programmer team decides estimates, consequences, process, detailed scheduling exploration phase customer writes stories team estimates stories planning phase team estimates velocity customer selects and prioritizes stories Iteration planning exploration phase team brainstorms tasks commitment phase programmers accept and estimate a set of tasks personal speed steering phase implement a task record progress recovery (if needed) verify story
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SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 18 Practices – Team Practices Pair programming for all production code dynamic pairing Collective ownership everyone responsible of the whole system a pair should immediately revise any overly complex code they see Continuous integration several times a day unit tests must run 100% Coding standard improved communication Metaphor high-level architecture common language between business and technical folks 40-hour week overtime is a symptom of a serious problem
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 19 Practices - Programming Simple design best design for today runs the tests no duplicated logic code states intention to programmers Refactoring make design simpler, while still running all of the tests Testing Coding standard
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 20 Roles and Responsibilities Customer write and select stories continuous discussion with programmers write functional tests Manager form the team resources interface to outside parties Coach keep discipline in place indirect intervention preferred Programmer test, code, refactor Tester help the customer specify functional tests run the tests regularly Tracker collect effort data face-to-face give programmers feedback on accuracy of estimates
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 21 Critique Architecture design? spikes, metaphor first iteration should contain stories that force to create a skeleton of the whole architecture if requirements are predictable discarding them in the design throws away valuable information refactoring works better with small systems and local optimizations architectural discontinuities (performance, security) cause large costs with big systems
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 22 Critique Making documents? team practices shared knowledge minimal documents document more, if customer is willing to pay for it What if the team must be replaced? Documents? requirements, functional spec. user stories, acceptance tests architecture spec. short technical overview technical specification code, unit tests project plan release plans, iteration plans
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 23 Critique On-site customer? is the project important, if the customer is not willing to assign one person to it still difficult in practice Flattened change cost curve What does this really mean? When is it valid? XP requires highly skilled, motivated, and disciplined developers. The number of such developers is limited.
SoberIT Software Business and Engineering Institute HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 24 References Beck. Embracing Change with Extreme Programming, IEEE Computer, Vol. 32, No. 10, 1999, pp Beck. Extreme Programming Explained. Boston, Addison- Wesley, Beck, Fowler. Planning Extreme Programming. Boston, Addison-Wesley, Wake. Extreme Programming Explored. Boston, Addison- Wesley,