MAKE To put in the proper state, to fix, prepare, or to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc. Make a model of the proposed airplane before testing its lift.
MEASURE To figure out the extent, dimensions, quantity, capacity of, as by a comparison with a predetermined standard: gallon, pint, liter, cup, inch, centimeter, etc. Measure the ingredients carefully before making your croissants.
MODEL To produce a type, or version of a product, usually on a smaller scale Model how actions are equal and opposite when two or more objects collide.
ORDER To arrange methodically or suitably, as by sequence, chronologically, etc. Put the files in alphabetical order to make them easy to locate in the future.
ORGANIZE To systematically coordinate parts into like groups or logical order Organize your ideas on a graphic organizer before attempting a first draft of your writing.
PARTICIPATE To take or have a part or share as part of a larger group Participate in group discussions in order to broaden and deepen your understanding of current events.
PLACE To put into, or earn, a specified standing with relation to others through examination, competition, position, situation, or relation Place the necessary tools on the tray to prepare for the dissection.
PREPARE To get ready, to put in proper condition Prepare for the presentation by reviewing your notes and breathing deeply to diffuse any feelings of nervousness.
QUANTIFY To determine, indicate, or express the quantity of, to make explicit the number of items From the state percentage given, quantify the actual number of voters in each age bracket.
QUESTION To ask or inquire Question your feelings and attitudes toward the themes and topics of the novel in order to prepare for the literature circle discussion.
RECORD To set down in writing or some permanent form, as for the purpose of preserving evidence Record your answers to the questions in your answer booklet clearly.
REJECT To refuse to accept, to rebuff, to cast out of, eject Reject one of the answers from each multiple choice question to improve the likelihood of a correct answer.
SIMPLIFY To make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easy Using the data from your investigation, simplify the results into generalizations.
To present or perform, to guide, escort or usher, to explain or make clear; make known Show the connections between language arts and social studies in your final quarter project. SHOW
WRITE To compose and produce in words or characters, to express or communicate in a written form Write a letter to your parents explaining the benefits of them buying you the new tablet you prefer.
SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITY: RANKING FREQUENCY Ask the students to look at the list of words, and rank them from 1 to 15 (1 is the most frequent, 15 is the least frequent) for how often they see, hear, or use these words. Have students explain their answers.
SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITY CATEGORIZE BY CONTENT For the following content areas: Math Science Social Studies Language Arts Sort this vocabulary list by frequency of use.
VOCABULARY LEARNING ACTIVITY SUGGESTION: “WE’RE EXPERTS” (DR. JANET ALLEN) You need groups, each group gets 2 or 3 words which they must become experts on. Each group gets one large card for each word they are assigned. One the front of the card:On the back of the card: We’re experts on (assigned word)Illustration of the Word: Notes:Points for Presentation: Our thoughts /Connections:Sources/Citations: Important Names, Dates, Places Synonyms