Government Agencies
World Health Organization Sponsored by United Nations Investigates serious diseases & health issues across the world
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services Deals with problems in the United States 3 Divisions CDC = concerned with cause & spread of disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) FDA = regulates drug & food products sold in US (Food and Drug Administration) OSHA = establishes & enforces safety standards (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Health Departments Provide services for community Examples = Immunizations Collection of statistics Communicable disease control
OBRA Omnibus Reconciliation Act (1987) Designed to improve quality of life, care, & safety of residents in nursing homes Long term care facilities must: Maintain a ‘homelike’ environment’ Maintain or improve independance
OBRA Requirements 1)Complete State approved training program 2)Successfully complete basic skills test & written exam 3)Periodic evaluations 4)Must work 8h in a two year period in order to renew certificate Goal is to improve holistic care
Government Programs Medicare Must be 65 yrs. old or have a disability Part A (Hospital Insurance) $0 Part B (Medical Insurance) $115/month Part C (Medical Insurance) Part D (Rx Plan)
Medicaid Provided by each state Healthcare for low income families Covers Doctor fees Diagnostic tests Hospital fees Rx