DJSR Lock Rucha Bhide Stephen Barnett David Kauffman Hassani Jack
-Battery powered with bluetooth capabilities -Flexible, retractable 3 foot long shackle -Rectangular base with number combination lock mm length x 38.1 mm width Final details/specs
1.1. Brainstormed different ways we could use our lock 2.2. Googled types of electronic components we could add to our lock How did we choose this type of lock?
3. Conducted surveys to measure consumer interest in certain types of locks How did we choose this type of lock?
Target consumers: people ages Customer needs results
More survey charts
4. Created metrics based on customer needs 5. Literature/patent searches/benchmarking How did we choose this lock?
6. Brainstorming: c- sketches and morphological table 7. Final sketches of potential designs How did we choose this type of lock?
Potential designs Final design!
8. Pugh chart and final modifications! How did we choose our lock?
Lock A’s current battery life: Press to Lock/ Unlock Menu: ●Share access with friends ●My Locks ●Main Menu ●Settings ●Register another lock ●Locks I have access to You are unlocking: Lock A 96%
Final details/specs