Supporting education and research Middle East Digital Library Workshop Network Infrastructure Dr Malcolm Read JISC Executive Secretary
Supporting education and research National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) Link universities and research establishments and often colleges, schools etc. Most countries in Europe, North America and Australasia have well established NRENs. More recently North Africa, South Africa, “Silk Road” & South America etc.
Supporting education and research NREN Roles Backbone Regional Networks (some large countries) Advice and Guidance (eg LANs) Video Conference Service Recently – Authentication and Authorisation
Supporting education and research International Connections Scandanavia – Nordunet (DK, S, FI, N, IS) aggregate purchasing power, economies of scale. Europe – Géant networks linking NRENs managed by DANTE. USA – typically acts as hub for national or continental networks.
Supporting education and research EUMEDCONNECT Objectives To establish an electronic, Internet-based network in the Mediterranean region to: Connect MED Partners’ research and education communities to Europe via GÉANT Enable research and educational collaboration within the MED region Thereby: – Ease the EU-MED research networking ‘digital divide’ – Strengthen human relationships and stability
Supporting education and research EUMEDCONNECT Project Partners Coordinating Partner - DANTE MED partners/beneficiaries: –Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey EU partners: –National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) of France, Greece, Italy and Spain Funded up to 10 M EURO/80% by European Commission – DG AIDCO EUMEDIS programme Remaining funding - from beneficiaries Contracted - to June 2006, being extended to late 2007
Supporting education and research EUMEDCONNECT Challenges Monopoly national operators Limited international telecoms infrastructure and poor investment conditions Unaffordably high commercial prices De-regulation slow, competition weak No consortium Difficult political climate
Supporting education and research Who is using the network ? 11 out of 12 EUMEDIS partners connected directly or via GEANT2 Over 180 Mediterranean universities and research centres and 1M+ users connected for first time EUMEDIS Pilot projects, e.g. –STRABON (tourism and culture) – already using EUMEDCONNECT in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia –MEDFORIST (e-Business learning) – was able to move server from Paris to Rabat in July 2005 –EUMEDCancer (Medical e-Learning) - will use EUMEDCONNECT once coordinating partner’s new site is connected to GARR EUMEDGRID – first Mediterranean grid computing project from Jan 2006 for 2 years
Supporting education and research Funding- 1 Mixture of government/ university funding depends on HE funding environment. For example UK, Finland, Central Europe mainly government funded and managed. USA, Australia, Germany, Sweden mainly university funded and managed. But most countries have mixed funding models
Supporting education and research Funding - 2 Government “top sliced” funding often used to initiate and underwrite NREN and encourage usage – especially where HE mostly Government funded. Ensures ubiquity. Once well established percentage of direct HE funding tends to increase especially when HE is mostly private
Supporting education and research Direct Institution Funding Subscription – usually based on size of institution (eg total income) Usage Charging – fair but unpopular. Uncertain bills and discourages use.