Conway Junior High School Conway Junior High School
Counseling Center Mrs. Shawn Finch: A – Go Ms. Sandy Duncan: Gr – M Mrs. Lisa Oates: N – Z Mrs. Melissa Foster: Registrar
Tips For Success At CJHS (From Current CJHS Students) Which floor will I be on the most? 1 st floor When will I have lunch? 1 st lunch at 11:05 a.m. Where do I sit at lunch? Any where you like How is lunch set up? 4 lunch lines – principals will assist you Where do I go in the morning? Meet in the courtyard by the cafeteria before the bell rings Can I have my cell phone at school? Yes – before school and during lunch. Where is PE? The girls are in the North gym and the boys are in the south gym. The North gym is open for games during lunch. How much time is there between classes? 5 minutes
Pre AP English Pre AP Math Pre AP Arkansas History/World History Algebra 1 (High School Credit) Pre AP Biology(High School Credit) -Parent/Student can select classes -It is recommended you have an 85% or better in regular class -More rigorous/more dedication -Dropping Class: 1 st five weeks of school or beginning of 2 nd semester with following requirements: *Grade less than 70% *Parent/Teacher/Student Conference *Space available in regular class *Principal’s approval Pre-AP Classes (Pre Advanced Placement Classes)
1.English 8 or English 8 P- AP 2.Math 8 or Math 8 P- AP or Algebra 1 (must be in Acc. Math 7) 3.Ark History/World History or Ark History/World History P- AP 4.Science 8 or Biology P-AP (must be in Acc. Math 7 or Pre -AP) 5.Career Orientation (1/2 year)/PE or Athletics (1/2 year) 6.___________________________________________(Year or 2 sem) 7.___________________________________________(Year or 2 sem) Alternate Courses: 1.__________________3__________________ 2.__________________4.__________________ 8 th Grade Required Classes
You must choose electives carefully You can drop and add an elective the first 5 days of each semester. After the 5 days, you may only drop with Principal’s approval, and only for study hall. Students enrolled in a full year course will remain in that course for the full year. The only exception is if you have a semester average of a “D” or “F” and you will need teacher’s permission. Drop and Add
If you miss 10 unexcused days per semester: No grade for the class(es) Must stay in the class(es) and do the work Name goes to court May be required to go to summer school to make up the course Attendance in the 8 th Grade
Make sure your address is correct at your current school Post cards will be mailed out in late July Schedules will be ready for pick up the first week of August Schedules For 8 th Grade