How to use the Internet Ikjun Yeom
How to send a packet buy a computer make sure that the computer is equipped with a network interface card find a place where the computer can be hooked up to the Internet configure network setting properly write a client-server program for sending and receiving a packet run your server program on the destination run your client program to send a packet
Network Settings IP address – can be configured manually – or can be configured automatically by DHCP subnet mask default gateway DNS server
Sample Code - Server
Sample Code - Client
How does a packet reach to a destination in the Internet? Internet ISP IAP
Name Resolution URL to IP address Using Domain Name Service Top
Subnet Default Gateway
Address Resolution mapping an IP with a MAC address ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
Routing Intra-domain routing – RIP – IGRP – OSPF Inter-domain routing – BGP iBGP eBGP