Cristina Fajardo Personal Sales Cristina Fajardo 2 New Recruits Rosario Ildefonso MS. GO GIVE My Dearest Beauty and Beyond Stars, We have a great month of November and Thank God our unit is an Honor’s Society Achiever!! Thank you for all you support. Just keep up the good work. Plan your work and work you plan. Congratulations to all achievers and who move up this month. To all Brand New Beauty Consultants Welcome and thank you for being part of our unit. It’s still the season of giving. Our buy any 2 of the holiday sets is extended until December 28. Let’s be a part of this go give spirit to help victims of Ondoy/ Pepeng. Don’t miss to grab our new line of prodcust and share it to help your business grow. Chart you course for the for HANGZHOU CHINA Challenge!!! I believe you can do it, Just share our great products and team build the Mary Kay. I encourage to register for our upcoming Jumpstart Rally on January 16. That’s our kick off party to Welcome Please attend unit meetings and Guest events to help your business grow. Work your full circle. Bring guest at Guest events. Have a blessed month of December. Go go go! Let’s do do it! Love and Belief, Olive P. Pambid Independent Senior Sales Director NEWSLETTER December 2009 Issue, November 2009 Results
Congratulations Move up to Success Achievers!!! “What you can do - or dream you can- begin it.Begin it and the work will be completed.” ~ Mary Kay Ash SENIOR BEAUTY CONSULTANTS (1 to 2 active team members) Rosario Ildefonso, Elisa Ramos; Emilia Dulawan (new) GROUP LEADER/ RED JACKETS (3 to 4 active team member) Aise dela Pena, Raquel Flores; Rosalie Villena; TEAM LEADER (5 or 7 active team members) Ruby delos Reyes FUTURE SALES DIRECTOR (8 or More team active members) JULIET YOGYOG SENIOR SALES DIRECTOR OLIVE PAMBID SALES DIRECTOR YOU!!! Emelita Carantes, Mary Rose Dumlao, Betty Imayaho, Angie Guinid, Minda Pinhikan, Efren Ramos; Suzanne Liwanag, Mary Dulnuan, Jane Dulnawan, Natividad Bahiwag, Vilma Alcayna, Violeta Alindayo; Carlota Velasquez; Rizalina Dumaguing ; Mary Jane Baltazar; Psalm Alod; Criselda Dinamling; Evangeline Gabaldon WELCOME NEW BEAUTY CONSULTANTS
MOB ACHIEVERS: 1.Cristina Fajardo 2.Rosalie Villena 3.Efren Fajardo 4.Carlota Velasquez 5.Celiamar Lavarias NCB 3 Achievers 1.Veronica Bumolyad 2.Leilani de Guzman 3.Lorelie Papio 4.Leah Quiambao 5.Susan Alpez NCB2 Achievers 1. Catherine Galanida NCB 1 Achievers: 1.Violeta Alindayo 2.Suzanne Liwanag 3.Betty Imayaho 4.Carlota Velasquez 5.Ma. Elena Villanueva 6.Emelita Carantes 12% CLUB Juliet Yogyog! 4% CLUB: ROSALIE Villena Cristina FAJARDO ESRS GRADUATES: Betty Imayaho, Clarita Dacawe, Veronica Bumolyad, Psalm Alod, NCB Graduates: Rosalie Villena 4Q09 on Target RJ Rally: 1.Rosario Ildefonso 2.Emilia Dulawan 3.Veronica Bumolyad 4.Betty Imayaho 5.Elisa Ramos
TOP IN 10 PERSONAL SALES : 1.Cristina Fajardo 2.Celiamar Lavarias 3.Rosalie Villena 4.Carlota Velasquez 5.Efren Ramos 6.Ma. Elena Villanueva 7.Betty Imayaho 8.Clarita Dacawe 9.Suzanne Liwanag 10.Juliet Yogyog TOP TEAMBUILDERS: 1.Cristina Fajardo – 2 active 2.Juliet Yogyog – 2 active 3.Betty Imayaho – 2 4.Veronica Bumolyad Emilia Dulawan -1 active 6.Rosario Ildefonso – 1 active WORDS OF WISDOM: “ I have found out that all great winners believe. Don’t spend time with losers. Spend your time with winners. A winner says; “let’s find out” and seeks a solution. But a loser says “ It wasn’t my fault”. And basks in failure”~ Mary Kay Ash
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Jennifer Buyuucan 12/4; Mary Jane Baltazar 12/6; Mirofe Camba 12/14; Carolyn Estillore 12/15; Paulita Pineda 12/24; Alice Magno 12/28; Important announcements and new promotions will be sent via SMS messages, phone calls and by mail or s. We have unit meeting every Monday at 3 rd Flr. UB square at 4PM. For more information you can call at or text mobile / / or you can and subscribe Please visit our website for updates and promotions. Beauty consultants last day of ordering Dec. 28 8PM. If on Dec 29 you will be charged late fee of Php400.
20K Brow story/ Body care set 25K Mineral powder set/ Acne Trial Pack 30K Holiday frangrace set (Bella Belara or Journey)/ holiday eyes surpirse 40K MK Signature Brush Collection 50K Travel trolley luggage 60K Rice Pearl Set From Bohol (Neclace, bracelet, ring, earings) 70K Miracle set (retail size) 80K Replenishing Serum + C 100K Round trip airfare to Bohol or Palawan COOL DECEMBER PROMOTIONS SALES CHALLENGES 1 NEW BC WITH 18K sales, WITH RECRUITER 18K sales Lipstick Caddy and Sr consultant enhancer pin 2 NEW BC with 16K sales each, WITH RECRUITER 18K sales- Color Display tray 3 NEW BC with 16K sales each, WITH RECRUITER 18K sales -RED JACKET and groupd leader pin if new achiever, / Travel Roll up bag 4 NEW BC wth 16K sales each, WITH RECRUITER 18K sales -RED JACKET/ class A signature bag with cosmetic display tray 5 NEW BC with 16K sales each with RECUITER 18K sales – Trolley bag 4Q FOR RED JACKET RALLY CHALLENGES (Oct- Dec ‘09) 3 PERSONAL RECRUITS WITH !12K sales each – Free attendace to Red Jacket Rally 5 Personal Recruits with 12K sales each – Free RJ Barbie Dolll 7 or more Recruits with 12K sales each – Exclusive MKP red suit Bumble bee Pin/ Class A Signature Wallet RECRUITING CHALLENGES EARLY BIRD 20K CHALLENGE (DEC. 1-16)
DEBUT AS SALES DIRECTOR Nov’09 – March ‘10 and HAVE a FREE ROUNDTRIP AIRFARE To BANGKOK!!!!!!! MECHANICS: Step 1: Be a DIQ and finish requirements at P700, Step 2: Have an active unit size of 30 BC. WE WILL EXPERIENCE BEAUTY OF BANGKOK!!!!