The Challenge of Dementia Gill Oliver Senior Public Health Manager
Dementia is not a normal part of aging 11,022 people live with dementia in Nottinghamshire. This is expected to increase to 12,781 by 2020, an increase of 16% 30-50% of people in acute hospitals have dementia, delirium or other cognitive impairment People live for many years after the onset of symptoms of dementia Dementia is overwhelming for carers and they need adequate support There are a range of behaviours which can increase our risk of developing dementia, including smoking, obesity and physical inactivity People with dementia and their carers need to be involved in formulating plans and services Dementia: a Public Health Priority, WHO
Falling through the system Lack of accessible local services Lack of co-operation and co-ordination between health & social care Lack of understanding about dementia
Finding your way? Individual services, once accessed, are very good Access to information Self-help groups
Agenda Speakers –Scott Smith & Mike Chappell –Dr James Read –Prof Tom Dening Table discussions Final comments – Sue Batty Raising awareness of how to prevent dementia Primary care/General Practice Meaningful care after diagnosis Carers Dementia Friends/Dementia Friendly Communities