Mr. Bunch
Economics State Standards Students understand common economic terms and concepts and economic reasoning. Students analyze the elements of America’s market economy in a global setting. Students analyze the influence of the federal government on the American economy. Students analyze the elements of the U.S. labor market in a global setting. Students analyze the aggregate economic behavior of the U.S. economy. Students analyze issues of international trade and explain how the U.S. economy affects, and is affected by, economic forces beyond the United State’s border.
What is Economics? Economics is the study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices. Because people act individually, in groups (such as businesses), and through governments, economists study each of these groups.
Economics Units of Study Introduction to Economics The Basics: Demand, Supply and Price Microeconomics Macroeconomics Trade and Investment Personal Finances
Classroom Guidelines RESPECT: peers, teachers, administrators, visitors, textbooks, supplies and facilities RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY: Be responsible and accountable for all YOUR actions! Including swearing, derogatory comments and put-downs. PREPARATION: Be on time to class with all materials. (GV Tardy Policy will be enforced) All school rules will be enforced according to the Golden Valley Handbook. ELECTRONICS POLICY: Cell phones, iPod’s and any other electronic devices will NOT be allowed for use during class time, except at teacher’s discretion at appropriate times. The first violation will result in confiscation for the period and a verbal warning. Any subsequent violations will result in confiscation of item which will be turned in to the student’s Assistant Principal’s office. Consequences for actions that violate any of the above may result in teacher detention or referral to an administrator
Come to class prepared and ready to learn. Do not disrupt the learning time of others.
Attendance Policy Regular attendance is a critical element to success in this and all classes. All absences need to be excused and any class that is missed becomes the student’s responsibility to learn what they missed at an appropriate time that does not interrupt the learning of others. Any missed assignments due to an excused absence are due the next class that the student attends. Students with excused absences will have one week to make up quizzes and exams. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher for make-up exams. Any assignments missed due to an unexcused or disciplinary absence will be recorded as a zero (including tests).
Tardy Policy Be on time to class! Students who are not inside the classroom when the bell rings will be considered tardy. After three tardies, parents will be notified, after five the student will be seen by an administrator where further disciplinary action will be taken which could include Saturday School, Loss of Privileges or any other consequence that could have a positive affect on the student’s attendance.
Academic Honesty The Golden Valley Academic Integrity Policy will be in effect. Any student involved in dishonesty on any work, from homework to projects to tests and quizzes, will receive zero credit for the assignment in question (this includes plagiarism on writing assignments). Repeat offenders may be subject to a referral to the Assistant Principal, suspension from class, and/or a parent/teacher conference. Students with cell phones or iPod’s out during tests will receive an automatic zero on the test and a referral to the office.
Grading Policy (per semester) Formative Assessments (15%) 1 per chapter at 10 points + follow-up activities at 10 points Tests (25%) 2 Unit Tests at 100 points each, Mid-Term and Final at 200 points each Projects (15%) 2-3 individual and/or group projects at 100 points each "What's Next Project (20%) Class Work (20%) approximately 20 chapter packets, warm-ups, current events – points vary based on the chapter Professionalism (5%) Active participation, timely attendance, on-time class work and projects
Projects ECONOMICS PROJECTS Stock Market Challenge (group) Business Profile (individual) Our Global Economy (partners) Business in SCV (partners) To be determined
Professionalism Participation is an integral part of the class and will consist of everyday class participation, individual and group activities, presentations, formal and impromptu speeches, and other activities. In addition, all class work, projects and written debate/simulation assignments will be given a professionalism grade. Although I allow students to make-up work for full credit, I also want to reward those students that turn work in on time. Therefore, the professionalism grade will be a “separate” 10-point grade at the time that work is turned in. 10 points = Work was turned in COMPLETED on time. 5 points = Work was turned in on time but incomplete OR was turned in within one week of the due date 0 points = Work was turned in more than one week late.
Communication I am happy to provide answers and clarification for all of my students and their parents. The most effective way to contact me is through . If a student has a question regarding homework, please do not assume that I will be checking my home after 7:30 PM. If you do not have access to , I can be contacted at school at x1203 (School ):
Mission Statement Golden Valley High School: The mission of Golden Valley High School is to provide our diverse student population with a quality education that prepares students for post-secondary success. Golden Valley High School ESLRs Our graduates will be: Critical Thinkers who: communicate effectively possess the capacity to problem solve effectively Responsible Citizens who: use their creative talents and skills to contribute to the community demonstrate a respect for self and others Successful Learners who: demonstrate a mastery of essential standards meet qualifications necessary for post-secondary options Productive Individuals who: pursue post-secondary educational or career opportunities possess functional technological competence
4 Corners / Getting to Know You Corners based on number of Siblings If I could buy any car it would be a…
4 Corners / Getting to Know You Corners based on Vacation Destinations The person who has been most influential in my life is…
4 Corners / Getting to Know You Corners based on Favorite Class If I could meet one famous historical person, it would be…
4 Corners / Getting to Know You Corners based on Sports/Hobbies When I graduate I would like to be a…
Please use the rest of the period to complete the student profile. You may need to do a little research for some of it. It is due when you get to class tomorrow and is worth 60 points.