Course overview March 3rd
Instructor information Instructor: Artem A. Lenskiy ( 아르텸 랜스키 ) Office: F410, 1 st engineering building Phone: Office hours:TBA 2
Course description The course consists of 14 lectures covering important aspects of C language. The goal of this course is to Learn C language Familiarize with general programming concepts. Briefly introduce how computer works 3
Course description After completion of this course, you should be able easily pick up any procedural programming language. Many practical problems that range from linear algebra, calculus, to cryptography and signal processing are covered. 4
Grading policy Homework assignment:10% Midterm exam: 20% Final exam: 30% Quizzes: 20% Two projects: 20% 5
Course policies The lecture class attendance is required because Some topics and examples covered in the class are not in the slides. Course taught in English and you should get familiar with specific terms in English. We do our best to add comments in Korean in PPTs Korean teaching assistant Often we have quizzes, if you miss class you fail the quiz(20%). Two project Encoding and decoding messages with RSA public-key cryptosystem Image convolution (Image blurring and deblurring) Lab attendance is very important 6
Collaboration/Plagiarism rules Plagiarism of submitted homework and attempts to copy quizzes in the class will result in point annulation. Collaboration is encouraged if you are helping someone do not make more harm than good, give hints, explain but do not solve for a classmate. if you are asked for help it is your responsibility to ask proper questions 7
Why to study programming? Programming becomes the most important skill in 21 st centaury It is a skill and you can master it thought repetitions Programs at different levels of complexity are found everywhere. We trust programs to fly aircrafts, to do medical diagnosis and to trade stocks on a stock market. Each field has it own specialization; nevertheless the foundation of programming remains the same in any field. 8
Why to study programming? 9
Summary After taking this course it is expected that student will be able to (a) design algorithms and (b) program them in C. The course introduces general programming concepts that stay the same across procedural programming languages. 10