Welcome. What an exciting term we have ahead of us. The children are settling into class really well and are looking forward to what they have planned. This week – School council and Eco Council elections Sept 24 th – Gnoll Park Team Building Day Oct 2 nd – Harvest Festival Techniquest Space visit to school tbc Art Day tbc Keep checking the newsletters too!! Reading – weekly guided reading with the teacher. Children can change their individual books whenever they have finished them, even if our teacher may not have heard us read them. Bring them daily just in case. PE – kit needed on Wednesdays and Fridays Wednesday – Music PE - outdoor kit (change from Friday) Thursday – PE (indoor kit black shorts/white T- shirt) After school clubs to start week beginning: 8 th September Water bottles need to be taken home regularly for cleaning. New ones will be available from the office soon Fruit – 30p a day.
DC vs Marvel lug.shtml English – This term our topic is themed from our writing which is based on super hero stories and comic book characters. We will write creative stories based on these characters. The children will develop further their understanding of the features of a procedural text and use these to write instructions based on their Design Technology work which will be focused on materials and construction (their ideas so far are to make a Bat cave or Stark Tower from Ironman). How exciting! Maths – Numbers up to , counting on and back in steps of 1, 10, 1000 and 1000 up to We are going to add and subtract numbers up to We are going to practice our 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables and doubling and halving of two digit numbers. We are also going to practice our measuring skills to the nearest mm, practice reading time to the nearest 5 minutes and look at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Science – we will be investigating the which materials would be suitable for our construction, identifying their properties through a range of investigations. We will be using our skills to research different structures and find out how. The children will also research, design and make a structure of choice. The children are really enthusiastic about making a superhero lair. In art we are going to focus on the process of painting and drawing. In particular we are going to look at modern artwork and illustration. This is going to link to our class superhero story book and comic writing. In R.E we will be exploring religious celebrations and symbols and what it means to be a good citizen. In Welsh we are going to read a number of different text and develop the ability to ask a range of questions and give extended answers using ‘achos’. We are also going to write in character as one of our chosen super heroes. We are also going to follow events in the daily news especially when they have a Geographical focus. Read my home reading book daily. Read superhero stories and discuss what makes the characters special. Mental math - counting on and back in 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10,000. Practice 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables. Learn number bonds to 10 and 20.