Table 1.1.1: Stock and Flow of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Year New transplant patients Deaths Lost to follow-up Alive at 31 st December *1 patient in year transplant 2001 with no death date *Out of 1174 patients who were transplanted, there were 49 patients with early death before day 30 of transplant Year * New transplant patients Deaths Lost to follow-up Alive at 31 st December
Figure 1.1.1: Stock and Flow of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Number of patients (n) Year New patients Alive at 31st Dec
Table 1.1.2: New Transplant Rate per million population (pmp), Year New transplant patients New transplant rate pmp Year New transplant patients New transplant rate pmp
Figure 1.1.2: New Transplant Rate per million population (pmp), New transplant rate pmp Year
Table 1.1.3: Distribution of Patients by Centre, Year No.% % % % % % % KLA KLP UKM SJA UMA UMP GMC LWE SJP ASH Hospital Ampang Others* TOTAL Year No.% % % % % % % KLA KLP UKM SJA UMA UMP GMC LWE SJP ASH Hospital Ampang Others * TOTAL
Year TOTAL No.% % % % % % % KLA KLP UKM SJA UMA UMP GMC LWE SJP ASH Hospital Ampang Others * TOTAL Note: Distribution is according to transplant centre *Others include Royal Perth Hospital KLAHospital Kuala Lumpur, (Adult) KLPHospital Kuala Lumpur, Institute Paediatrics (Paed) UKMHospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia SJASubang Jaya Medical Centre (Adult) UMAUniversity of Malaya Medical Centre (Adult) UMPUniversity of Malaya Medical Centre (Paed) GMCGleneagles Medical Centre, Penang LWELam Wah Ee Hospital, Penang SJPSubang Jaya Medical Centre (Paed) ASHAmpang Puteri Specialist Hospital Table 1.1.3: Distribution of Patients by Centre,
Figure 1.1.3: Distribution of Patients by Centre,
Number of patients (n) Year GMC LWE SJP ASH Hospital Ampang others
Table 1.2.1: Distribution of Patients by Gender, Year GenderNo.% % % % % % % % Male Female TOTAL Year GenderNo.% % % % % % % % Male Female TOTAL Year TOTAL GenderNo.% % % % % Male Female TOTAL
Figure 1.2.1: Distribution of Patients by Gender, Percentage of patients (%) Year Male Female
Table 1.2.2: Distribution of Patients by Ethnic Group, Year RaceNo.% % % % % % % Malay Chinese Indian Bumiputra Sabah Bumiputra Sarawak Others TOTAL Year Race No. % % % % % % % Malay Chinese Indian Bumiputra Sabah Bumiputra Sarawak Others TOTAL Year TOTAL Race No. % % % % % % % Malay Chinese Indian Bumiputra Sabah Bumiputra Sarawak Others TOTAL
Figure 1.2.2: Distribution of Patients by Ethnic Group, Percentage of patients (%) Year Malay Chinese Indian Bumiputra Sabah Bumiputra Sarawak Others
Table 1.2.3: Distribution of Patients by Age Group, Year Age groupNo.% % % % % % % ≥ TOTAL Mean SD Median Minimum Maximum Year Age group No. % %. No. % % % % % ≥ TOTAL Mean SD Median Minimum13115 months11 Maximum
Year Total Age group No. % % % % % % % ≥ TOTAL Mean SD Median Minimum1 month15 months112 months1 month Maximum *Age=date of transplant – date of birth Table 1.2.3: Distribution of Patients by Age Group,
Figure 1.2.3: Distribution of Patients by Age Group,
Table 1.2.4: Distribution of Patients by Primary Diagnosis, Year DiagnosisNo.% % % % % % % Acute leukaemia Chronic leukaemia Hypoplastic anaemia Erythrocytic disorders Lymphoma Solid tumors Myelodysplasia Haemoglobinopathy Multiple myeloma Others TOTAL Year Diagnosis No. % % % % % % % Acute leukaemia Chronic leukaemia Hypoplastic anaemia Erythrocytic disorders Lymphoma Solid tumors Myelodysplasia Haemoglobinopathy Multiple myeloma Others TOTAL
Year TOTAL DiagnosisNo.% % % % % % % Acute leukaemia Chronic leukaemia Hypoplastic anaemia Erythrocytic disorders Lymphoma Solid tumors Myelodysplasia Haemoglobinopathy Multiple myeloma Others TOTAL Table 1.2.4: Distribution of Patients by Primary Diagnosis,
Table 1.3.1: Distribution of Patients by Graft Number, Year Graft numberNo.% % % % % % % TOTAL Year Graft numberNo.% % % % % % % TOTAL Year TOTAL Graft numberNo.% % % % % % % TOTAL
Figure 1.3.1: Distribution of Patients by Graft Number, Percentage of patients (%) Year Graft number 1 Graft number 2 Graft number
Table 1.3.2: Distribution of Patients by Transplantation Type, Year Type of transplantNo.% % % % % % % Allogeneic + Syngeneic Autologous TOTAL Year Type of transplantNo.% % % % % % % Allogeneic + Syngeneic Autologous TOTAL Year TOTAL Type of transplantNo.% % % % % % % Allogeneic + Syngeneic Autologous TOTAL Note: 6 patients with syngeneic type of transplant
Figure 1.3.2: Distribution of Patients by Transplantation Type, Number of patients (n) Year Allogeneic + Syngeneic Autologous
Table 1.3.3: Type of transplant by Centre, Type of transplantAllogeneic + SyngeneicAutologousTOTAL Centre No.% % % KLA KLP UKM SJA UMA UMP GMC LWE SJP ASH Hospital Ampang Others* TOTAL * Others include Royal Perth Hospital
Figure 1.3.3: Type of transplant by Centre, Number of patients (n) Centre Allogeneic + Syngeneic Autologous KLA KLP UKM SJA UMA UMP GMC LWE SJP ASH Ampang Others
Table 1.3.4: Source of Transplant, Year Transplant sourceNo.% % % % % Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord TOTAL Year Transplant source No. % % % % % Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord TOTAL Year Transplant source No. % % % % % Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord TOTAL Year TOTAL Transplant source No. % % % % % % Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord TOTAL PBSC = Peripheral Blood Stem Cells
Figure 1.3.4: Source of Transplant, Marrow PBSC / Marrow+ PBSC Cord blood/ Marrow + cord Year Number of patients (n)
Table 1.3.5: Distribution of Patients by HLA Match, Year HLA MatchNo.% % % % % Identical AG AG ≥3 AG Disparate TOTAL Year HLA MatchNo. % % % % % Identical AG AG ≥3 AG Disparate TOTAL Year HLA MatchNo. % % % % % Identical AG AG ≥3 AG Disparate TOTAL Year TOTAL HLA Match No. % % % % % % Identical AG AG ≥3 AG Disparate TOTAL *excluding autologous
Table 1.3.6: Distribution of Patients by Allogeneic Donor Relationship, Year Allogeneic Donor RelationshipNo.% % % % % Sibling Unrelated Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord Others TOTAL Year Allogeneic Donor Relationship No. % % % % % Sibling Unrelated Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord Others TOTAL
Table 1.3.6: Distribution of Patients by Allogeneic Donor Relationship, Year Allogeneic Donor Relationship No. % % % % % Sibling Unrelated Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord Others TOTAL Year TOTAL Allogeneic Donor Relationship No. % % % % % % Sibling Unrelated Marrow PBSC / Marrow + PBSC Cord blood / Marrow + cord Others TOTAL *excluding autologous, including syngeneic
Table 1.4.1: Distribution of Patients by Cause of Death, Year Cause of deathNo.% % % % % Sepsis GVHD Underlying disease Haemorrhage VOD Organ Failure Interstitial pneumonitis Secondary malignancy Others Unknown TOTAL Year Cause of deathNo.% % % % % Sepsis GVHD Underlying disease Haemorrhage VOD Organ Failure Interstitial pneumonitis Secondary malignancy Others Unknown TOTAL
Table 1.4.1: Distribution of Patients by Cause of Death, Year TOTAL Cause of deathNo.% % % % % % Sepsis GVHD Underlying disease Haemorrhage VOD Organ Failure Interstitial pneumonitis Secondary malignancy Others Unknown TOTAL Note: 1 patient with missing cause of death reported Year Cause of deathNo.% % % % % Sepsis GVHD Underlying disease Haemorrhage VOD Organ Failure Interstitial pneumonitis Secondary malignancy Others Unknown TOTAL
Figure 1.4.1: Patient Survival by Year of Transplant, Cumulative survival Duration in years Year Year Year
Figure 1.4.2: Patient Survival by Gender, Cumulative survival Duration in years MaleFemale
Figure 1.4.3: Patient Survival by Age Group, Cumulative survival Duration in years 0-9 years10-19 years years≥40 years
Figure 1.4.4: Patient Survival by Type of Transplant, Cumulative survival Duration in years Allogeneic + SyngeneicAutologous
Figure 1.5.1: Disease-free Survival for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, (Allogeneic vs. Autologous) Cumulative survival Duration in years AllogeneicAutologous
Figure 1.5.2: Disease-free Survival for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, (Allogeneic)
Figure 1.5.3: Disease-free Survival for Thalassaemia, (Allogeneic)
Figure 1.5.4: Disease-free Survival for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, (Allogeneic vs. Autologous) Cumulative survival Duration in years AllogeneicAutologous
Figure 1.5.5: Disease-free Survival for Hodgkin’s Disease, (Autologous)
Figure 1.5.6: Disease-free Survival for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia, (Allogeneic)
Figure 1.5.7: Disease-free Survival for Aplastic Anaemia, (Allogeneic)
Figure 1.5.8: Disease-free Survival by Age Group for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Cumulative survival Duration in years PaediatricAdult Paediatric is defined as age 18 years and adult age >18 years
Figure 1.5.9: Disease-free Survival by Age Group for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, Cumulative survival Duration in years PaediatricAdult Paediatric is defined as age 18 years and adult age >18 years
Figure : Disease-free Survival by Age Group for Thalassaemia, * No adult cases reported for Thalassaemia Paediatric is defined as age 18 years and adult age >18 years
Figure : Disease-free Survival by Age Group for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Cumulative survival Duration in years PaediatricAdult Paediatric is defined as age 18 years and adult age >18 years
Figure : Disease-free Survival by Age Group for Hodgkin’s Disease, Cumulative survival Duration in years PaediatricAdult Paediatric is defined as age 18 years and adult age >18 years
Figure : Disease-free Survival by Age Group for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia, Cumulative survival Duration in years PaediatricAdult Paediatric is defined as age 18 years and adult age >18 years
Figure : Disease-free Survival by Age Group for Aplastic Anaemia, Cumulative survival Duration in years PaediatricAdult Paediatric is defined as age 18 years and adult age >18 years