Gra 6820 Strategic Choice Syllabus Fall 2003
Objective To provide a comprehensive perspective –the theory and art of strategic decision-making Perspective –an integrated and interdisciplinary process Rational decision-makers –pursue strategic choices that will provide successful outcomes Focus –decision-making at the top of the organization in a multi-disciplinary context
Content - Ethical foundations for decision-making - The decision making process - Rational decision-making - Values for decision-making - Decision-making models - The psychology of decision-making - The sociology of decision-making - The social psychology of decision-making - Political aspects of decision-making - Strategic decision perspectives
Format Combination of –plenary lectures –student presentations and discussions. Students will be assigned to groups of three Each group is to prepare a joint term paper The groups will be assigned to teams –each team consisting of 3 – 4 groups. The groups in each team present a term paper topic proposal before their teammates and instructor who will discuss it and give feedback
Grading Written, closed book exam (3 hrs) 25%. –You must be prepared to explain or apply the most central concepts in the course Class participation and presentation 25%. Term paper 50%.
Schedule Plenary: Ethical foundations. Harrison 1 & 2: Overview & The decision making process Plenary: Assignment to groups and teams. Harrison 3: Rational decision-making Plenary: Harrison 4: Values for decision-making. Pro&Con. Harrison 5: Decision-making models Plenary: Harrison 6, 7: The psychology of decision-making, the sociology of decision-making Plenary: Harrison 8, 9: The social psychology and political aspects of decision-making Plenary: Harrison 10, 11: Strategic decision perspectives, strategic decision success Group proposals within teams Group proposals within teams Group proposals within teams Group proposals within teams Group proposals within teams Group proposals within teams.