Political and Economic Connections with England
Economic Connections England was in constant competition with the other nations of Europe over wealth Established colonies to make money and grow self-sufficient This is called Mercantilism: Definition: Mercantilism - Nations create and maintained wealth by controlling trade England, “the Mother Country” created the colonies to put them to work.
Economic Connections Example of Mercantilism= The Navigation Acts Navigation Acts: Definition: Navigation Acts – Laws that forced the colonists to only trade with England Higher taxes for foreign goods Free Enterprise: The government has little control over the economy Restricted then, allowed today
Governmental Connections King of England: Did not bother with colonial issues as long as they… Followed laws Paid Taxes During the English Civil War ( ) England ignored the colonies Did not collect taxes Did not enforce laws
Governmental Connections Benign Neglect- The unofficial understanding that the Colonies were allowed to operate without interference from England
Governmental Connections When the English Civil War ended, the English started enforcing laws and collecting taxes again The colonies didn’t like this Significance: The colonies began to resist Britain’s attempts to regain control over the Colonies; causes tension
Government Connections America would eventually adopt a similar legislature as England America would eventually adopt a similar legislature as England Parliament: England’s law- making body Parliament: England’s law- making body House of Commons House of Commons House of Lords House of Lords Bi-cameral legislature: Two house law making body Bi-cameral legislature: Two house law making body America today: Congress America today: Congress House of Representatives House of Representatives Senate Senate