Read the attached article and answer the following questions: 1. What countries were absorbed by the Red Army? 2. How was the Truman Doctrine going to contain communism? 3. What impact did the Marshall Plan have on Europe? Click for article
1. Setting the Stage: Conclusions competitionfearmistrust a. Communism was spreading in the years following WW II creating competition, fear, and mistrust. way b. Communism posed a threat to our way of life friendsresources c. Communism posed a threat to our friends & resources
Economic SystemPolitical System U.S Soviet Union 2. What is Communism? 2. An economic & political system
Economic SystemPolitical System U.S Capitalism Capitalism (Free Enterprise) no Unlimited opportunity but no guarantees supplydemand Wages & prices are controlled by supply and demand regulated Government regulated but not control Soviet Union 2. What is Communism? 2. An economic & political system
Economic SystemPolitical System U.S Capitalism Capitalism (Free Enterprise) no Unlimited opportunity but no guarantees supplydemand Wages & prices are controlled by supply and demand regulated Government regulated but not control Democracy Democracy : rule by the people Multiple Multiple party system freedoms Many freedoms present Bill of Rights is present Soviet Union 2. What is Communism? 2. An economic & political system
Economic SystemPolitical System U.S Capitalism Capitalism (Free Enterprise) no Unlimited opportunity but no guarantees supplydemand Wages & prices are controlled by supply and demand regulated Government regulated but not control Democracy Democracy : rule by the people Multiple Multiple party system freedoms Many freedoms present Bill of Rights is present Soviet Union gov’t Socialism= gov’t controlled economy basic Limited opportunity but basic guarantees rices roductionages Government controls p rices, p roduction, & w ages 2. What is Communism? 2. An economic & political system
Economic SystemPolitical System U.S Capitalism Capitalism (Free Enterprise) no Unlimited opportunity but no guarantees supplydemand Wages & prices are controlled by supply and demand regulated Government regulated but not control Democracy Democracy : rule by the people Multiple Multiple party system freedoms Many freedoms present Bill of Rights is present Soviet Union gov’t Socialism= gov’t controlled economy basic Limited opportunity but basic guarantees rices roductionages Government controls p rices, p roduction, & w ages dictator Totalitarian= rule by dictator Single Single party rule Many Many restrictions No No Bill of Rights is present 2. What is Communism? 2. An economic & political system
equally wither way a. In theory, Communism is a fairy tale existence where wealth and power would be shared equally, class distinctions would disappear, and the need for government would wither way. neverachieved b. True Communism has never been achieved
Click for video Watch the above video and write 10 facts about Karl Marx.
3. Communism Spreads a. Stalin a. Stalin broke the earlier promises he made in Yalta(Feb Eastern i. Promised free election in Eastern Europe countries blocked ii. Instead Stalin blocked the elections and imposed Communism Iron Curtain iii. Churchill announced “An Iron Curtain has descended across Europe.”
Read the attached article and answer the following questions: 1. What was the issue with West Berlin? 2. What gamble did Stalin make when it came to West Berlin? 3. What issues did Truman face with situation in West Berlin? 4. How did Truman and the other Allied nations support West Berlin? 5. What does NATO stand for? What is the idea behind the formation of NATO? Click for article
b. Berlin b. Berlin became the 1 st battle of the Cold War West Berlin i. Stalin cut all supplies into West Berlin 11 months ii. US airlifted supplies into the city for 11 months reopened iii. Stalin caved and reopened roads & railroads
ChinaCommunist c. Civil War in China ended in a Communist victory o Mao ZedongChiang Kai- Shek o Mao Zedong & Communists defeat Chiang Kai- Shek and the Nationalist in 1949 People’s Republic of China o Communist rename China the People’s Republic of China Formosa o Nationalists are forced to move to the island of Formosa (Taiwan) 1972 o The U.S. refuse to recognize the PRC until 1972
4. Options for dealing with Communism nothing a. Do nothing b. Go to war(nuclear?) containment c. Work towards the containment of Communism Became the basis for U.S. policy during the Cold War
In your own words, what are the political and economic differences of Democracy and Communism Write or type your answer out(7-10 sentences) and hand it in.