FETTUCCINI BRIDGE PROJECT Directions for building a bridge.
DIRECTIONS: You will be given 20 fettuccini noodles and one meter of masking tape. No other materials may be used. You and your team must construct a bridge that will cross a 30cm span between two desks. It must also be able to support added weight.
No part of the bridge may touch the ground between the supports provided by the teacher. The tape may not be used more than 5mm from any joint. The bridge must be at least 3cm wide. A basket will be suspended by a string attached to the bridge to hold the added weight (washers). You will attach the string.
GRADING 35 points- Your bridge crosses the span without breaking. 40 points- Your bridge will support at least 2 washers. 45 points- Your bridge will support 3-5 washers. 50 points- Your bridge will support 6 or more washers.
BRIDGE PROJECT On the internet, research the four main types of bridges. List the strengths and weaknesses of each kind. Truss bridges work the best! Be ready to help your group to plan the bridge which will support the most weight.
GOOD LUCK ! May the best team win.