Graphic Communication Marker Pen Technology Department
The Pens - Bullet Point Thin lines
The Pens - Chisel Point Two different widths of broad lines
Lines One Long Line not loads of small ones joined together Avoid overlapping as much as possible Gives a more even colour
Preparation Decide on the colour scheme for the rendered object The border of each area of colour on the rendering should be traced from the underlay using a colour pencil matching the colour to be used on the area.
Extend outlines The pencil outlines should extend well outside areas where they are likely to be covered by marker pen when rendering Use masking tape to protect areas from marker pen.
Main Casing Use the marker pen to render the cylindrical part of the hairdryer casing and handle Allow to dry To increase the 3D appearance of the casing and handle, go over areas of shade with the marker again.
Mask the Cone Reposition the masking tape to protect the rendered part of the casing and the nozzle Cut a tapered mask to produce a tapering highlight on the conical part of the casing
Render cone Use the marker pen to render the conical part of the casing. Go over the outer edges to generate areas of shade. Use the thin edge of the marker tip to add join lines. Allow to dry
Render cone Reposition the masking tape to protect the conical region of the casing and render the nozzle Use the thin edge of the marker tip to add join lines. Allow to dry Remove drafting tape
Finishing Touches Using a 3mm black detailing pen, add lines of shadow in areas of shade
Finishing Touches Carefully cut round the profile of the hairdryer and mount on a suitable background