Employee Participation Wonders
Johnson & Johnson Fred Kilner (1890) – Johnson Baby Powder (Grew to 44% of business) – Problem: Skin Irritation complain from customer of medicated plaster Earle Dickson (1920) – Band-Aid – Problem: Wife’s tendency to cut herself while cutting bandage cotton R.W. Johnson’s Quote: “Failure is our most important product”
American Express Marcellus Berry (1892) – Travellers Cheque – Problem: President Fargo complained about his harassment in Europe to get letter of credit encashed “Unintentionally American Express had invented the float …. A mere $750 at the beginning, the float would eventually top $4 billion by 1990, generating $200 million revenue” – Jon Friedman & John Meehan in “House Of Cards”
Marriot (1947) Store manager, Shop No. 8, Near Hoover Airport complained of too many Air Travel passengers buying food to carry Founder J. Williard Marriot saw opportunity for air catering Immediately seized opportunity and dispatched a Van with packed food to Hoover termac Rest is History – transit from 9 Restaurants to Luxury Brand Hotels is complete
Walmart Store Manager in Crowley, Louisiana saw – Problem: Shoplifters to be warned and checked Thought of a “People Greeter” to welcome visitors to store, and also keep an eye A trend and a series of innovation followed Philosophy:Do it, Fix it, Try it
The 3 M legend Dick Drew (1924) – Scotch Cellophane Tape – Problem: Masking Tape for auto paint shop Art Fry & Spence Silver (1974) – “Post-it Note” – Problem: Flag in a Church choir book slipped – Art Fry Thought how to Overcome?? – Remembered shared results of Silver’s experiments (15%R) – Joined Silver using 15% Rule, to develop the Post-it Note
3M – birth pangs of the legend (1907) Failed miner, reluctant manufacturer of abrasives like sandpaper and sharpening wheel (1914) William McNight, a smart accountant was made GM – Invested $500 to create 5 /11 ft lab. – Prob: Single product line – sandpaper Francis G. Okie ‘s mail to McNight asking for samples of minerals of various sizes – Problem: Curiosity – why he needs the sample? William McNight bought the patient from Okie and launched waterproof sandpaper under the now famous Brand - “Wetodry” McNight also hired Okie, and set the “15% Rule”
3M Innovation Philosophy Richard P. Carter, Director Of Research (1925): “Idea must be NEW and USEFUL” “Idea must meet a demonstrable human need, solve real problems” McNight’s 6 Commandments: 1. Listen to anyone with an original idea, no matter how absurd it might sound at first 2. Encourage, don’t nitpick. Let people run with an idea 3. If you put fences around people you get sleep, give people the room they need 4. Hire good people, and leave them alone 5. Encourage Experimental Doodling (15% Rule) 6. Give it a try - and quick