Enterprise Services for the Energy Industry Balaji Anbil (Centrica Plc.) Ian Bretherton (Avanade Inc.)
Agenda Business Transformation – Services for Energy Trading Enterprise Integration – Agile & Seamless Services Operational Challenges – Maintaining Steady State Road Map – BizTalk 2009 & ESB Q&A
Centrica - Our Business Top 30 FTSE 100 company with growing energy businesses in the UK, North America and Europe We source gas and electricity from our own production and from third parties, mainly to supply British Gas 1,200 employees Embedded IS Function. North America ’ s largest energy and energy – related services providers 4,900 employees 5m customers Residential 8,100 employees 15.6m customers Business 2,100 employees 1m customers Services 15,400 employees 8.1m product relationships Gas Storage 200 employees Supplies energy and related services to companies in Spain Europe Drain cleaning, plumbing and lock fitting 4,900 employees 5m customers Supplies energy to the German commercial supply market Supplies gas and electricity to residential and small business customers in The Netherlands
Avanade Fast Facts Our customers −Currently serve more than 900 customers as a trusted advisor −Realize 97% satisfied customers Our services − Results for customers in all industries Backed by Accenture and Microsoft About Us – Offices in 61 locations in 24 countries worldwide – US$864 million revenue in FY08 – More than 20% YOY growth since our inception in 2000 Who We Are Avanade provides business technology services that connect insight, innovation and expertise in Microsoft ® technologies to help customers realize results.
Road Blocks! Integration Transformation Orchestrations Integration Commodity Gas Power Coal Oil XYZ ETRM A A FOFO ACF Supply Forecasts Demand Forecasts Nominations Confirmations ACF Optimisation Logistics PO BOBO Trades Price Curves Master Data Service Management Ex APXGEMTTG ICE BR TFS GFI Market / Counterparty Agility to Business?Guaranteed Delivery & Integrity?Replay/Simulate a scenario? Total Cost of Ownership & Business Control?
Agreeing Route to Destination Business Value of Integration −Differing objectives, nobody’s problem, hidden costs for projects −Knowledge & Maturity, Capability Management CIO, Chief Architect, Business Leaders Finding the right technology and partner Prove before you solve! Don’t try to maximise benefits! ( start small and evolve… )
Dedicated Project team Integration Principles and discipline, but… Integration Strategy, Services Catalogue Functional review with business and SI teams How do we operate? Preparing for the Journey
Road to Integration Objectives −A standard (common) approach to integration −Be agile, but still in control −Single version of the truth Critical Success Factors −Ability to react faster to changes −Reduce development costs −Provide business control
Making the Journey Canonical Message Format Adapters −Trading Systems −Logistics & Optimisation Platforms Automation −Build, Test & Deploy −Avanade Assets Services Dashboard
Successful Pit Stop!
Refuel for the Road Ahead Pro-Active Monitoring −Need to ensure business data is flowing −Consolidated view Reduce Cost and Time to Deliver −Process to Bring New Services/Interfaces Online −Continuing a Quality Driven Approach
BizTalk Server Roadmap - ESB Drivers for an Enterprise Service Bus architecture −Service Integration −Dynamic Message Routing/Delivery −Same Endpoints/New Requirements −Consolidation of Existing Assets
BizTalk Server Roadmap - Migration Migration to BizTalk Server 2009 & SQL Server 2008 −8 environments; 40+ servers to upgrade −Project involves parties across the business landscape −Environments −Maintaining a route to live for production issues −Ensure failback option is viable −Regression testing is vital −Stubs – test internally before going external −Compare pre- and post-regression tests
Summary Technical −Loose coupling of applications −Highly available infrastructure −Centralised monitoring of Integration endpoints Business −Drive agility into the business −Provide business control −Reduce development costs
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