Is war good for the economy?
Does anyone have opinions on this? No, Mr. Hunt, please don’t make me talk! Ok then, let’s begin by defining Economy.
An economy is defined as: A network of producers, distributors, and consumers of goods in a local, regional, or national community. How can war influence economy?
In This Unit We Will: Identify economic policies and factors that led to the Great Depression. Determine the impact of natural and manmade crises of the Great Depression. Describe how the New Deal programs affected the American people. Describe how Pearl Harbor led to United States involvement in World War II. Describe the impact of World War II on economic recovery from the Great Depression
War and Peace and Money and Stuff Lets review: What were the MAIN causes of WWI? Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Nationalism
After the War The “Roaring Twenties” How did U.S. society react to the end of the war? What do you think defines the century after WWI? What happened in 1929 that silenced the roar of the twenties?
You will review the “Roaring Twenties” and make predictions about what factors you think led to the Crash of 1929.
To begin: Use the following site to begin your research: Choose five topics of interest and write one paragraph (3-5 sentences) summary of each topic in your notebooks. Feel free to use sites that you find on your own. Remember! You must cite websites that you use. OMG!
So, how did we go from here:
To here:
You will begin by defining the following content vocabulary in your notebooks. What is a stock? What is buying on margin? What is an economic depression? What is an economic recession?
Great Depression Timeline. Your next task will be to create a timeline of notable events during the Great Depression using Keynote. Start with the Crash of 1929 and end with the United States’ entry into WWII. Make each slide a notable event. Each slide must have a relevant image and text.
What you will create: A graphic timeline (Keynote) of the Great Depression leading to the U.S. entry into WWII. You will also create: Audio commentary for the timeline. Video clips for timeline
Your assignment: Create a slide show timeline for the Great Depression. You must have a minimum of 20 slides Your text cannot be more than a paragraph (3-5 sentences). You must have an image, video, or sound with every slide.
Power Point Rubric
Timeline: The timeline for this assignment will be one month. You have three weeks to complete your timeline. During the fourth week you will present your timelines to the class. At the end of the second week you will take an exam on this unit using the notes you took from every show.
Slideshow Rubric: 20 slides with text and images = 60 pts. 1 slide w/text and image = 3 pts. - 1 pt. for missing text or image on your slide. - 3 pts. for missing a slide. Audio narrative = 30 pts. 1 Video clip = 10 Total = 100 pts.
Notes: You will take notes on each show. You will use the notes you take to study for the exam. You will not be graded on taking notes. However, your final grade will depend on the detail of your notes.
References Cited: to%20tips/Rubrics/presentation%20rubric %20-%20teach-nology.htm
Images Used: ge/dog-picture-photo-miniature-pinscher- mouth.jpg osb.nsf/vwimages/FG9- 12_Goods&Services_E.jpg/$file/FG9- 12_Goods&Services_E.jpg files/Pig/540x360_pigs_aisle_usda.jpg
Images Used Cont… new-economy/ wordcount-beat-the-recession/